Version: unspecified OS: Linux This is from an email that was sent to See also bug #237488. From: Krzysztof Żelechowski To: Date: Saturday 10:21:04 Widget text: '78' current --> qt_spinbox_lineedit (QLineEdit) qt_spinbox_lineedit (QLineEdit) kcfg_LineWrapWidth (KIntSpinBox) (ComposerPageGeneralTab) qt_tabwidget_stackedwidget (QStackedWidget) tabbar (KTabWidget) kcmkmail_config_composer (ComposerPage) (KCModuleProxy) (QStackedWidget) (KPageWidget) toplevel --> configure (ConfigureDialog) Please type in your what's this help between these lines: --%----------------------------------------------------------------------- Some electronic mail transport systems require that the line length does not exceed a fixed value, usually 80 because that is the width of a default VT100 terminal screen. If you clear this setting, your messages may be trimmed or rejected by such systems, or cause them to malfunction. If you keep this setting, structured text in your messages, such as patches or long URL, will be broken and unusable. --%----------------------------------------------------------------------- Reproducible: Didn't try
SVN commit 1153461 by mlaurent: Fix bug 245373 BUG: 245373 M +1 -0 kmail.kcfg.cmake WebSVN link: