Version: 1.3.1 (using Devel) OS: Linux I like the taskbar flashing when I get disconnected from a network I have already been connected to, since that often requires my intervention to fix some things (NickServ login etc). I really dislike being flashed every 10 seconds if Konversation gets disconnected or attempts to connect somewhere and then fails, and retries all the time. I do want it to retry most of times since it's often just a temporary issue, but getting flashed for every failed retry is a bit odd (I'd rather like to know when it finally succeeded, if at all). Therefore I'd personally really enjoy some way to be notified of dropped connections that already went post-001 while being able to turn off notifications for connections that failed before the 001 (so including throttling error messages and the like). Maybe even the difference between complete failure to connect without proper server response (server is dead or not a server (not listening on port 6667 at all)) and a server error message (as in banned or throttling which might be more interesting to know) would be worth different notifications. Suggestion for three seperate notifications: - "Connection failure" [no real answer from server (no auth notices) of any sort, also no proper error message - or, a bit easier to implement, just no answer at all] - "Logon failure" [error message or connection drop before 001, but there was already something being sent from the server, so it was basically possible to speak to it] - "Disconnect" [error message or connection drop after 001/logon] Reproducible: Didn't try