Bug 241854 - All clicks are turned into move events.
Summary: All clicks are turned into move events.
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 241415
Alias: None
Product: kjumpingcube
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 1.2
Platform: RedHat Enterprise Linux Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Ian Wadham
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-06-15 22:49 UTC by Wyatt
Modified: 2010-06-17 01:49 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Wyatt 2010-06-15 22:49:40 UTC
Version:           1.2 (using Devel) 
OS:                Linux

The gameplay of Jumping Cube is interrupted as the new Click Anywhere to Move feature of Oxygen causes any clicks made in the Jumping Cube main window start a window move event.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Use oxygen-settings to ensure 'Windows' drag mode' is set to 'Drag windows from all empty areas'
2. Start kjumpingcube.
3. Try to play a game.
4. Notice clicks in the game board move the window.
Comment 1 Ian Wadham 2010-06-16 12:33:28 UTC
Please let me know exactly what version of KDE you are using (Help->About KDE), so that I can take this up with Oxygen developers.

Re 1, I have no idea what 'Drag windows from all empty areas' could mean.  I googled and found that oxygen-settings is a command-line utility announced in a very recent blog, for use by "advanced" users, so I am not sure what status it has within KDE.  I would suggest that whatever you are doing is causing Oxygen to give you false positives, so it could be a problem in Oxygen.

Whatever it is, this "new feature" should not break existing applications, IMHO, but then AFAIKnew Oxygen is some kind of color standard, so what is it doing fielding mouse clicks within an application?  BTW, what is wrong with good old Alt-click for dragging a window, if that is what you are doing?  It has always been around, since early X days.
Comment 2 Wyatt 2010-06-16 22:15:26 UTC
>>Please let me know exactly what version of KDE you are using (Help->About KDE),
>>so that I can take this up with Oxygen developers.
I'm using KDE 4.5 Beta 2.
>>Re 1, I have no idea what 'Drag windows from all empty areas' could mean.  I
>>googled and found that oxygen-settings is a command-line utility announced in a
>>very recent blog, for use by "advanced" users, so I am not sure what status it
>>has within KDE.  I would suggest that whatever you are doing is causing Oxygen
>>to give you false positives, so it could be a problem in Oxygen.
oxygen-settings in an app that allows you to configure Oxygen with more options shown than in the standard system-settings configuration dialog. It came by default with KDE 4.5 Beta 2. A new feature of Oxygen for 4.5 Beta 2 is if you click and drag anywhere in a window that doesn't have a a widget, you will move the window. This is default behavior of the newest Oxygen (at least for me).
This guy's blog has a video of this in action. http://hugo-kde.blogspot.com/2010/06/moving-windows-around.html
>>Whatever it is, this "new feature" should not break existing applications,
>>IMHO, but then AFAIKnew Oxygen is some kind of color standard, so what is it
>>doing fielding mouse clicks within an application?  BTW, what is wrong with
>>good old Alt-click for dragging a window, if that is what you are doing?  It
>>has always been around, since early X days.
Oxygen is a color set, it a Window decoration theme and a Widget style. In this case, the click and move is caused by the new version of the widget style. So far, I have only found it to cause bad behavior in this application.

On my laptop, it is really really really really really hard to hold alt, click, and drag all at the same time. Anyways, the feature actually existed in the Bespin widget style for a long time and it just got ported into Oxygen with 4.5Beta2.
Comment 3 Parker Coates 2010-06-17 01:15:14 UTC
This has already been fixed in trunk as the window dragging from empty areas code has been made more conservative.

Ian, the reason this new functionality didn't work with KJumpingCube is that KJC fails to accept() the QMouseEvents that it is actually using. While you can often get away without doing so, it's generally a good idea to properly accept() events to ensure that no other code attempts to "steal" them. I'm going to commit a fix for that in a couple minutes.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 241415 ***
Comment 4 Parker Coates 2010-06-17 01:18:35 UTC
SVN commit 1138849 by coates:

Call accept() on QMouseEvents that are actually used.


 M  +1 -0      kcubewidget.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1138849
Comment 5 Ian Wadham 2010-06-17 01:49:23 UTC
Thanks very much for your excellent explanation, Wyatt, and your prompt action to fix this, Parker.  Sometimes things happen in KDE faster than I can type :-)

I too have a laptop, Wyatt, but even my old, arthritic fingers can reach Alt (middle finger) and touchpad-click (thumb), leaving my index finger free to do the touchpad move :-)  However I always take a miniature USB wheel-mouse wherever I go with the laptop ...