Bug 240581 - Sometimes the local folder agents stalls-> then I cannot send mails
Summary: Sometimes the local folder agents stalls-> then I cannot send mails
Alias: None
Product: kmail2
Classification: Applications
Component: composer (show other bugs)
Version: 1.99.0
Platform: Debian unstable Linux
: HI minor
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
Keywords: akonadi-ports-regression
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Blocks: 223438
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Reported: 2010-06-03 12:47 UTC by Ludwig Reiter
Modified: 2012-02-08 15:28 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Description Ludwig Reiter 2010-06-03 12:47:24 UTC
Version:           enterprise (using Devel) 
OS:                Linux

I notice twice that the local folder agent doesn't work corretly/stalls.
Then I wasn't able to send mails.

Reproducible: Didn't try

Steps to Reproduce:
Restart kontact and try to send a mail. Happens sometimes.

Expected Results:  
If I try to send a mail and it fails because of broken local folders it should warn me.
Comment 1 Leo Franchi 2010-06-03 20:39:28 UTC
Hi Ludwig, 

What exactly doesn't work in the Local Folders agent? What are you doing when it stalls, and what exactly is doing the stalling? 

When you say you can't send mails, what happens after you press the Send button? Do the mails stay in the outbox folder indefinitely? Do they get moved to the sent-mail folder? Do they not even appear in the outbox folder?

Comment 2 Matěj Laitl 2011-06-06 15:32:26 UTC
I had similar symptoms until I figured out that Mail Dispatcher Agent somehow toggled itself offline. Mails stalled in "outbox" folder. When I switched Mail Dispatcher Agent info Online state from akonadiconsole, all mails were sent immediatelly.

I'm almost sure that I haven't switched Mail Dispatcher Agent offline. Is there a possibility that it switched offline itself?
Comment 3 Laurent Montel 2012-02-08 15:28:02 UTC
now in 4.8 we test if maildispatcher is offline and we put online if necessary.