Version: 1.2.0 (using KDE 4.4.3) Compiler: gcc-4.4.2 -O2 -march=native -pipe OS: Linux Installed from: Gentoo Packages Hello. My environment: - KDE-4.4.3 (x86-64); - digikam-1.2.0: - kipi-plugins-1.2.0 - exiv2-0.19 OS: Gentoo x86-64. GCC:4.4.2, glibc: 2.10.1. libjpeg: media-libs/jpeg Available versions: (62) 6b-r9 (7) (~)7-r1 (0) 8a Installed versions: 6b-r9(62)(17:22:07 31.01.2010) 7-r1(7)(12:50:06 16.05.2010) 8a(23:16:22 09.05.2010) Homepage: Description: Library to load, handle and manipulate images in the JPEG format ------------------ Auto rotate JPEG don't work. Manual rotate JPEG don't work too. Log for digikam: digikam(10807)/digikam (core): ThumbnailLoadThread::load: No thumbnail size specified. Refusing to load thumbnail. digikam(10807)/digikam (core): ThumbnailLoadThread::load: No thumbnail size specified. Refusing to load thumbnail. digikam(10807)/digikam (core): ThumbnailLoadThread::load: No thumbnail size specified. Refusing to load thumbnail. digikam(10807)/digikam (core): ThumbnailLoadThread::load: No thumbnail size specified. Refusing to load thumbnail. digikam(10807)/digikam (core): ThumbnailLoadThread::load: No thumbnail size specified. Refusing to load thumbnail. QFile::setFileName: File (/tmp/kde-johnbat26/digikamJ10807kipiplugin-rotate.jpg) is already opened -------- Gwenview don't rotate JPEG too with log: gwenview(10878) Gwenview::JPEGErrorManager::errorExitCallBack: Invalid crop request gwenview(10878): libjpeg error in src -------- Please, resolve this problem. It very disturb in my work. Thanks in advance.
Fixed in current implementation from svn (next kipi-plugins 1.3.0) Gilles Caulier
When kipi-plugins released to 1.3.0 ? Because I get error for install svn version in Gentoo: ERROR: media-plugins/kipi-plugins-9999 failed: * wrong linguas dir specified * * Call stack: *, line 48: Called src_prepare * environment, line 3959: Called kde4-base_src_prepare * environment, line 3094: Called enable_selected_linguas * environment, line 1668: Called die * The specific snippet of code: * [[ -d "${KDE_LINGUAS_DIR}" ]] || die "wrong linguas dir specified"; * * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =media-plugins/kipi-plugins-9999', * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =media-plugins/kipi-plugins-9999'. * This ebuild used the following eclasses from overlays: * /var/lib/layman/kde/eclass/kde4-base.eclass * /var/lib/layman/kde/eclass/kde4-functions.eclass * This ebuild is from an overlay named 'kde': '/var/lib/layman/kde/' * The complete build log is located at '/var/tmp/portage/media-plugins/kipi-plugins-9999/temp/build.log'. * The ebuild environment file is located at '/var/tmp/portage/media-plugins/kipi-plugins-9999/temp/environment'. * S: '/var/tmp/portage/media-plugins/kipi-plugins-9999/work/kipi-plugins-9999 -----------
Eugene, This file still valid using kipi-plugins 2.4 ? Gilles Caulier
This entry is fixed now with digiKam 2.6.0 where a dedicated implementation is used to rotate/flip image. We don't use ImageMagick to transform images. digiKam 2.6.0 disabled JPEGLOSSLESS kipi-plugin. Gilles Caulier