(*** This bug was imported into bugs.kde.org ***) Package: kwin Version: KDE 2.1.0 Severity: normal Installed from: Compiled From Sources Compiler: gcc version 2.95.3 19991030 (prerelease) OS: Linux OS/Compiler notes: Linux jalaext 2.2.17-21mdk #1 Thu Oct 5 13:16:08 CEST 2000 i686 unknown Dialog boxes displayed by Java applications are sometime (often but not always) displayed at something close to minimum size (that is; minimum size not minimized to the panel) Apparently the associated windows are resized by the window manager *after* they have been created by the Java process -- I infer this from the fact that if I write code to center a dialog on the desktop it's upper left corner will appear at the location where it should had the window not been resized: i.e. the coordinate calculations done by the Java program must take place using the correct window size not the resized one. This problem does not occur when the same application is run using a different window manager and so must be related to KDE's window manager. I have seen this problem using the Sun JDK 1.2.x JDK 1.3 and JDK 1.3.1-beta and the IBM JDK 1.3. For some dialogs the problem is merely annoying: you can simply resize them. Others almost disappear completely rendering the applications extremely hard to use. I'll be happy to provide you with a Java source code example that illustrates the problem. (Submitted via bugs.kde.org)
Duplicate of 14732. It's a JDK problem see the discussion here: http://bugs.kde.org/db/14/14732.html