Bug 236707 - wish for separate panel for contact groups and possibilty for drag and drop
Summary: wish for separate panel for contact groups and possibilty for drag and drop
Alias: None
Product: kaddressbook
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
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Reported: 2010-05-07 16:33 UTC by H.H.
Modified: 2021-03-09 07:05 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Description H.H. 2010-05-07 16:33:03 UTC
Version:           4.4.3 (using 4.4.3 (KDE 4.4.3), KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop / openSUSE_11.2)
Compiler:          gcc
OS:                Linux (x86_64) release

I like to have an extra panel for contact groups. And I want to drag simply contacts from the contact-list into groups to add them. I would also recommend to not show group members in a popup dialog, but in an extra panel. I would like to be able to have influence on the panel layout, because I do not like it in the new kaddressbook
Comment 1 karaluh 2010-11-10 14:00:38 UTC
I agree
Comment 2 Kevin Clevenger 2012-07-03 17:41:58 UTC
+1 "I want to simply drag contacts from the contact-list into groups to add them".

Having to create users, create a group, and then type the users name and email address *again* to add them to the group is poor UI design.
Comment 3 Justin Zobel 2021-03-09 02:34:20 UTC
Thank you for the bug report.

As this report hasn't seen any changes in 5 years or more, we ask if you can please confirm that the issue still persists.

If this bug is no longer persisting or relevant please change the status to resolved.
Comment 4 H.H. 2021-03-09 07:05:47 UTC
This is still valid