Version: 2.0.0_devel (using unspecified) Compiler: mingw delivered with QtCreator 1.1.0 OS: Windows 32-Bit The despike plugin (only filter plugin installed under Windows as gsl is not being used on that platform) crashes kst. Steps to reproduce: - load column 1 vs INDEX from gyrodata.dat with the datawizard - right mouse button -> Filter -> Column 1 vs INDEX (C1) - Plugin Selection: Despike Filter, all default settings - OK => crash! Expected results: the filtered curve is added alongside the loaded curve, and in any case no crash. That makes me wonder: is it possible to avoid that plugins crash the application? In this case, maybe it is not the plugin's fault at all, but it is principally a bad thing if plugins can crash the core.
Fixed by SVN commit 1119579 by kuemmel
Change version from 2.0.0_devel to 2.0.0 to simplify version numbering.
These bugs are solved with 2.0.0