Bug 235259 - when konsole is session-restored, initial shell prompt etc isn't drawn on inactive tabs until a character is input
Summary: when konsole is session-restored, initial shell prompt etc isn't drawn on ina...
Alias: None
Product: konsole
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.0
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Konsole Developer
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Reported: 2010-04-24 14:03 UTC by Vasilis Vasaitis
Modified: 2011-08-05 14:43 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Vasilis Vasaitis 2010-04-24 14:03:23 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.4.2)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Debian testing/unstable Packages

When I start KDE, a konsole window with multiple tabs is restored by the session manager. On the tab that's active when konsole is started, the shell prompt is displayed fine. On the inactive tabs however, nothing is displayed until I press a key; the cursor is placed correctly from the beginning though.
Comment 1 Vasilis Vasaitis 2010-04-24 14:28:04 UTC
OK, correction: things aren't displayed, not until I press a key, but until the terminal is asked to draw an additional character (while it is the active tab). I noticed the difference because I have a tab running /bin/su; while I would enter the password (which is not displayed) konsole wouldn't redraw the tab. But as soon as I hit <enter> and new characters were sent to the terminal, everything was displayed fine.
Comment 2 Jekyll Wu 2011-08-05 14:43:59 UTC
Can't reproduce it with KDE-4.7.0

Feel free to reopen  if this still happens in recent version.