Version: 3.97 latest svn (using KDE 4.4.2) Compiler: gcc 4.4.1 OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled From Sources I try to setup online quote for CREFbond using finance::quote perl module. The module does return a quote for this fund. But KMM somehow could not extract the information.
The problem lies in that CREFBond returns a non-standard format. Here is the a sample of ACN stock and from CREFBond ./ nyse ACN $VAR1 = 'ACNsymbol'; $VAR2 = 'ACN'; $VAR3 = 'ACNtime'; $VAR4 = '16:01'; $VAR5 = 'ACNdiv'; $VAR6 = '1.125'; $VAR7 = 'ACNdiv_yield'; $VAR8 = '2.74'; $VAR9 = 'ACNsuccess'; $VAR10 = 1; $VAR11 = 'ACNlast'; $VAR12 = '40.32'; $VAR13 = 'ACNday_range'; $VAR14 = '40.17 - 41.09'; $VAR15 = 'ACNopen'; $VAR16 = '40.94'; $VAR17 = 'ACNavg_vol'; $VAR18 = '4105660'; $VAR19 = 'ACNhigh'; $VAR20 = '41.09'; $VAR21 = 'ACNname'; $VAR22 = 'Accenture plc. Cl'; $VAR23 = 'ACNdiv_date'; $VAR24 = 'May 14'; $VAR25 = 'ACNyear_range'; $VAR26 = '17.74 - 44.67'; $VAR27 = 'ACNask'; $VAR28 = undef; $VAR29 = 'ACNpe'; $VAR30 = '17.58'; $VAR31 = 'ACNex_div'; $VAR32 = 'Apr 14'; $VAR33 = 'ACNnet'; $VAR34 = '-0.77'; $VAR35 = 'ACNbid'; $VAR36 = undef; $VAR37 = 'ACNeps'; $VAR38 = '2.337'; $VAR39 = 'ACNprice'; $VAR40 = '40.32'; $VAR41 = 'ACNmethod'; $VAR42 = 'yahoo'; $VAR43 = 'ACNcap'; $VAR44 = '25.684B'; $VAR45 = 'ACNisodate'; $VAR46 = '2010-05-07'; $VAR47 = 'ACNlow'; $VAR48 = '40.17'; $VAR49 = 'ACNdate'; $VAR50 = '05/07/2010'; $VAR51 = 'ACNp_change'; $VAR52 = '-1.87'; $VAR53 = 'ACNcurrency'; $VAR54 = 'USD'; $VAR55 = 'ACNclose'; $VAR56 = '41.09'; $VAR57 = 'ACNvolume'; $VAR58 = '8319839'; "ACN","2010-005-007","./ tiaacref CREFbond $VAR1 = 'CREFbonddate'; $VAR2 = '05/07/2010'; $VAR3 = 'CREFbondexchange'; $VAR4 = 'TIAA-CREF'; $VAR5 = 'CREFbondsymbol'; $VAR6 = 'CREFbond'; $VAR7 = 'CREFbondnav'; $VAR8 = '94.1429'; $VAR9 = 'CREFbondcurrency'; $VAR10 = 'USD'; $VAR11 = 'CREFbondmethod'; $VAR12 = 'tiaacref'; $VAR13 = 'CREFbondsuccess'; $VAR14 = 1; $VAR15 = 'CREFbondprice'; $VAR16 = '94.1429'; $VAR17 = 'CREFbondname'; $VAR18 = 'CREF Bond Market'; $VAR19 = 'CREFbondisodate'; $VAR20 = '2010-05-07'; The looks for a variable with "last" on it to get the price. tiaacref returns prices in a variable with "price" on it. Someone with more Perl-fu than me can modify it to look for "price" if "last" is not there.
BTW, this error probably applies to all tiaacred items.
SVN commit 1124502 by conet: BUG: 234268 Hacked this based on Alvaro's description. The price seems to be fetched now. If this can be written in a prettier way feel free to fix this since I'm not at home with perl. M +5 -1 WebSVN link: