Version: (using KDE 4.4.2) OS: Linux Installed from: Ubuntu Packages I ticked the "Enable keyboard repeat" option in keyboard and mouse settings, it works fine, but every time I reboot, this option is reset (to un-ticked state). This problem is reproduceable on my Ubuntu 9.10 (added kde 4.4.2 ppa), but seems NOT there on Mandriva (also with kde 4.4.2).
I found that: 1) problem also appear when I simply log off. 2) If I login using another "clean" user, this problem is gone. 3) I checked that the setting is indeed saved into kcminputrc, even after re-login, the rc file's content is right, but it simply does not work, and when you open systemsettings, it shows keyboard repeat is OFF, regardless that it is set to TRUE in the RC file.
Vaguely identified the problem. It was some gnome settings that takes precedence over KDE, I removed some dot folders from my home folder, and now the problem is gone. Now I still keeps the problematic gnome settings, but dont know exactly which one caused the problem. Since this is gnome thing, so I await for any instruction, if that is useful or worth to deal with since this is KDE forum anyway :) Please let me know if the configure file is useful, otherwise, just close the bug. Thanks.
Sorry I was too eager to identify the bug... it is now back, but I still think it has to do with some conflict with gnome applications. Please keep this bug open, let see if someone else has this problem, or a KDE expert can trace it down...
I am not sure I can help here much as mixing KDE and gnome in the same user is not supported. Especially that it works for other "clean" user I'd rather close the bug as I don't expect anybody would be looking into it. More than that I'd suggest using Kubuntu (or some other KDE-favoring distro) for KDE as from my experience the KDE build in Ubuntu is not perfect.
On top of what I said above the keyboard module was significantly rewritten in trunk (will be available in KDE 4.5) so I'll mark this bug as worksforme and if it happens in 4.5 (and not just in ubuntu) feel free to reopen it.