Version: 1.0.0 (using 4.4.1 (KDE 4.4.1) "release 228", KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop / openSUSE_11.2) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (i686) release When sending to someone over yahoo nothing is actually sent. I can receive messages via yahoo. I can send and receive via AIM. The only plugin loaded is the History plugin. From .xsession-errors: kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo) YahooContact::slotSendMessage: kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo) YahooContact::slotSendMessage: Original message: "<p>testing 123</p>" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo) YahooContact::slotSendMessage: Converted message: "testing 123" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) SendMessageTask::SendMessageTask: kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) SendMessageTask::onGo: kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) Client::send: CLIENT::send() kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) ClientStream::write: kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) CoreProtocol::outgoingTransfer: kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) CoreProtocol::outgoingTransfer: got YMSGTransfer kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) YMSGTransfer::serialize: Serializing key 1 value "<REMOVED>" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) YMSGTransfer::serialize: Serializing key 5 value "<REMOVED>" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) YMSGTransfer::serialize: Serializing key 14 value "testing 123" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) YMSGTransfer::serialize: Serializing key 63 value ";0" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) YMSGTransfer::serialize: Serializing key 64 value "0" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) YMSGTransfer::serialize: Serializing key 97 value "1" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) YMSGTransfer::serialize: Serializing key 206 value "2" kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) YMSGTransfer::serialize: pos= 0 (packet size) "YMSG kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) ClientStream::cp_outgoingData: [data size: 95 ] kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) KNetworkByteStream::tryWrite: [writeData.size() = 95 ] CLIENT: Task: Task::done() CLIENT: Task: emitting finished kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) KNetworkByteStream::slotBytesWritten: [int bytes]: 169 kopete(10196)/kopete (yahoo - raw protocol) ClientStream::bs_bytesWritten: written: 169 bytes kopete(10196) squashMessage: "testing 123" kwin(3890) KWin::Workspace::updateClientArea: screens: 1 desktops: 4 kwin(3890) KWin::Workspace::updateClientArea: Done. kwin(3890) KWin::Workspace::allowFullClientRaising: Raising: Belongs to active application kopete(10196)/kopete (history) HistoryLogger::saveToDisk: "/home/ron/.kde4/share/apps/kopete/logs/YahooProtocol/<REMOVED>/<REMOVED>.201003.xml" saved in 1 ms
Merging with bug 226699. Thanks *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 226699 ***