Version: 1.0.0 (using 4.3.4 (KDE 4.3.4), Debian packages) Compiler: cc OS: Linux (x86_64) release 2.6.32-trunk-amd64 When I upload video files from digikam to flickr using the flickrexporter plug-in I get a warning after each file: "Het uploaden van een foto is mislukt.[Uploading a picture failed.] Timeout on server Wilt u verder gaan?[do you want to continue?]" with buttons "continue" and "annuleren[cancel]". The videos do appear in my photostream, initially as a black rectangle with the text "This video is being processed". I would expect a batch upload of video files to complete without human interaction unless something really does go wrong. I render my video files using kdenlive with the following render settings: f=avi vcodec=mjpeg pix_fmt=yuv422p b=20000k acodec=pcm_s16le ar=11025 ac=1 s=640x424 r=24
The bug is in component FlickrExport, not in general.
Arnold, This file still valid using kipi-plugins 2.4 ? Gilles Caulier
I have successfully uploaded a video using kipi-plugins version 2.4.1 (Debian version 4:2.4.1-1) and did not get a spurious error message. I have also made an unsuccessful attempt which resulted in a genuine error message.