KMid version 2.0 is a complete rewrite of KMid and was included into extragear-multimedia recently. It wasn't added during the initial rewrite of the website because the version on extragear was 1.0 (an old and unmaintained one) The information for the application is: Screenshot sent: Name: KMid Description: (can be HTML or wiki markup) KMid is a feature-rich MIDI and Karaoke player Features (optional): * Plays MIDI and Karaoke files. * Playback to external hardware MIDI devices. * Allows to use software synths as well. * Tempo and volume controls. * Pitch (transpose) control. * Rhythm view (visual metronome). * Configurable character encoding, font and color for lyrics. * Playlists (song collections). * MIDI Mapper. * Channels window, with solo/muting controls and instrument selectors. * Piano player window, using VMPK artwork and technology. Homepage: ID on Page on Userbase: ID of subforum on Link to handbook: (empty) IRC channel(s):#kde-multimedia Mailing lists: kde-multimedia Project name on kde/kmid2 (this should be recheck, it seems it stopped working after the move from kdereview to extragear) Bugzilla component: kmid/general Other information:
Hi, The project name changed from kmid2 (while it was at playground and kdereview) to kmid after the move to extragear, so at you can track the project activity now under the name kde/kmid. Regards, Pedro
SVN commit 1106539 by bcooksley: Add KMid to applications area. BUG: 231457 A applications/apps/kmid.json A applications/apps/kmid_generated.json M +5 -0 applications/index.json AM images/icons/kmid_22.png AM images/icons/kmid_48.png AM images/screenshots/kmid.png AM images/screenshots/resized/kmid.png WebSVN link: