Version: 2.3.0 (using KDE 4.4.1) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages I'm on a netbook, so i'm trying to reclaim as much space as I can.. Would it be possible to do a couple things? A) Shrink the 'search playlist' and 'search collection' bars into a binoculars icon that could, perhaps, be placed next to the bookmarks icon? B) Merge the icons at lower right into the 'playlist' menu on the tool bar and give me the option to remove the icon bar. C) Song Title alignment on the Current Track applet should be left-aligned (it should be over the word 'by' instead of above the artist name as it is now..
Please only report one feature per report, or at least stick to the same component in a wish, else it is not possible to track back, since you request changes in very different elements of Amarok.
Some of these have been implemented / improved since, but some are not any more relevant: netbooks are extinct; Amarok lives. Closing 15 years after.