Bug 228825 - alternatively show screenhots of movies instead of list of recently played movies
Summary: alternatively show screenhots of movies instead of list of recently played mo...
Alias: None
Product: dragonplayer
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Unassigned bugs mailing-list
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Reported: 2010-02-28 00:06 UTC by m.wege
Modified: 2022-11-26 05:07 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description m.wege 2010-02-28 00:06:49 UTC
Version:           2.0 (using 4.4.00 (KDE 4.4.0), Kubuntu packages)
Compiler:          cc
OS:                Linux (i686) release 2.6.31-20-generic

i want to suggest have screenshots (thumbnails)of movies as an alternative to the list of recently played files. This would look like the fast dial addon in Firefox or the empty tabs in Rekonq. There could be the possibility to switch between:
- recently played movies (as of now)
- never played movies
- high rated movies (from Nepomuk)
The screenshots could be static or fade between different screenshots of a movie like it happens in Dolphin.
Comment 1 Justin Zobel 2021-03-09 05:38:53 UTC
Thank you for the bug report.

As this report hasn't seen any changes in 5 years or more, we ask if you can please confirm that the issue still persists.

If this bug is no longer persisting or relevant please change the status to resolved.
Comment 2 Nate Graham 2022-11-26 05:07:52 UTC
The recent view has been removed and replaced with the standard "open recent" menu, which has items that are too small to benefit from thumbnails.