Version: 1.1.0 (using KDE 4.4.0) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux Installed from: Gentoo Packages Hello, since updating to Qt 4.6.2 and KDE SC 4.4 digiKam 1.1.0 fails to show my local images in the middle pane. I use Gentoo Linux, digiKam and kipi plugins are built from source (and have been rebuilt since installing new KDE and Qt Versions). The error I get on the console when clicking on an album is: digikam(27008)/kio (KIOConnection) KIO::ConnectionServer::listenForRemote: Listening on "local:/tmp/ksocket-fuchs/digikamQ27008.slave-socket" digikam(27008)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::createSlave: createSlave "digikamalbums" for KUrl("digikamalbums:/Städte/Essen/?albumRoot=/home/fuchs/bilder/photos&albumRootId=1&databaseType=QSQLITE&databaseName=/home/fuchs/bilder/photos/digikam4.db") digikam(27008)/kio (KIOConnection) KIO::ConnectionServer::listenForRemote: Listening on "local:/tmp/ksocket-fuchs/digikamC27008.slave-socket" digikam(27008)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::gotInput: slave died pid = 27070 digikam(27008)/digikam (core) Digikam::ImageAlbumModel::slotResult: Failed to list url: "Der Prozess für das Protokoll digikamalbums wurde unerwartet beendet." (sorry, even LANG="C" kept the error german. It is more or less "protocol digikamalbums terminated unexpectedly") digiKam has no problems diplaying photos on my camera (Canon EOS450D), but I can't get them to appear in the middle pane. I tried removing the digiKam configuration and application folders in my local kde directory, and I tried removing the digiKam image and thumbnail.db files. Both did not help. If you need further information, just ask. Kind regards, Christian
Not reproducible on my fedora 12, x86_64 box, with kde-4.4.0/qt-4.6.2 using digikam-1.1.0
Okay, now this is really strange ... after removing the settings and database once more, and restarting the machine, the issue is gone. I'll reopen if it appears again, but in the meantime I close this. Sorry for the noise. Kind regards, Christian
This problem is relevant of digiKam KIO Slaves and all of these have been dropped in favor of a multi-threaded interface to query the database.