Version: (using KDE 4.3.5) Compiler: GCC 4.3.3 OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled From Sources Hi there. In Dolphin, I have a a bunch of files that are named pretty much at random, and I want to import them into a video editor. The name is not important, just the date they are created in. In the video editor the files are sorted to their names. So I assume that I can sort them to date and then select them all, and press f2 to rename them. So, I get this output: 1.mts 2.mts ... 10.mts 11.mts And so on... In the video editor the files are sorted 1.mts 10.mts ..... 2.mts 20.mts So, I think.. right, it wants to be tricky... lets add TWO of these # in there, to give me two digits... I was _stunned_ to see the output as: 11.mts 22.mts ......... 1010.mts 1111.mts I see the logic... each # gives an increasing number. However, I want the files to be of the name: 00000000001.mts 00000000002.mts .... 00000000010.mts 00000000011.mts How do I set the leading zero's? I searched all sorts of documentation, and could not find it... so now I respectfully ask for this to be added to Dolphin. No, my video editor does not support sorting the files on date... nor does it do the silly "natural" name sorting. It sorts on names the POSIX way One other place I ran into this shortcoming of rename is when I was trying to import a range of pictures into ffmpeg to make a time-lapse movie. I simply could not rename a 1000 photos ( only a few seconds of video ) so that they all follow on each other, and have the same amount of digits in the filename. Kind regards, -Evert Vorster-
I second this, this is very important that files are named in the selected order (when listed by date, or size, or whatever) and that the # part is padded with zeros so that the files are always listed in the proper order. Find out how many it is renaming and perhaps add an additional 0 ahead of that, so for 800 items they would be listed as: item0001.ext item0002.ext ... ... item0800.ext Thanks for KDE.
SVN commit 1182776 by ppenz: - Integrate the patch from Matthias Fuchs from to allow having leading zeros when renaming files: E.g. Using the name "A ###.jpg" results in the filenames "A 001.jpg", "A 002.jpg"... The patch could be simplified a little bit by guaranting only one connective sequence of #'s. - Move the renaming code into the RenameDialog CCMAIL: BUG: 226761 FIXED-IN: 4.6.0 M +5 -12 panels/folders/folderspanel.cpp M +12 -17 views/dolphinview.cpp M +80 -15 views/renamedialog.cpp M +18 -50 views/renamedialog.h WebSVN link:
Created attachment 63575 [details] Screenshot of no leading zeros Screenshot of no leading zeros; the files renamed to test1-9 should have been renamed to test01-09 so that the files are always in the correct order
This doesn't seem to work for me in KDE 4.6.5 on Debian Sid, any ideas? Do I need to enable this somewhere?
sorry, I read the patch description better and I needed ## in the rename; thanks much!