Version: 1.20? (using KDE 4.3.2) Compiler: not applicable OS: Linux Installed from: Ubuntu Packages Hi developers, I would like to be able to perform SQL queries, or otherwise richer searches than possible at the moment, because it is not possible to perform certain searches at the moment (1.0.0). Possibly SQL on a multi-table database may be too hard for an average Joe, so maybe a collection of drop-down lists to be combined in different sets, with AND, OR and NOT between fields? My specific problem: I do not know how to find images which haven't been geotagged yet. SQL, however, solves this easily: SELECT id, name FROM Images WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT ImageId FROM ImagePositions WHERE Images.ID = ImagePositions.ImageId) PS Thanks a lot for your work so far. I admire your creation.
I not agree to add a way to customize sql queries in searches tool. It's not user friendly. you must to be precise on your demand and explain what's missing in current gui Gilles Caulier
The set of search fields is not fixed for all times. I am happily accepting suggestions what is missing. And you are right, there is nothing currently for geolocation.
Created attachment 40604 [details] A concept of more advanced search A concept of more advanced search. Here the AND operator is assumed, it would be cool however to have OR also available (only OR and AND, not deeper logical statements such as a AND (b OR C) - I'd myself have no idea how to implement it)
So, what I really need at the moment is to be able to show all photos which haven't been geotagged, so I thought of a search form on the lines of OpenOffice Base, or Microsoft Access, that is not as difficult as SQL, but not as (relatively) limiting as what is available now. The present searches are great, but for example one cannot combine fuzzy sketch AND timeline, or map search and something else (except tags, but I just found it by chance). Or, I'd like to exclude AVI files from certain searches. The answer is to create a search form that would allow to combine different search parameters at once, and would not limit the number of them, and would allow AND or OR between them. Hope I made myself clear. And, by the way, I could write this.
I personally do not like this kind of search interface (*). That's why we have a different one ;-) If there is really need for advanced advanced search, I won't object, but I wont code it. It does btw not fix the problem to integrate timeline, map or fuzzy searches into a search - the backend needs to support that. I will be easy for map and timeline and more complicated for fuzzy. (*) I have no evidence or literature references. This would be interesting. My main argument is this page:
OK, I accept your argument. But how do I find pics which haven't been geotagged?
The backend already has support to search for image in a radius around a given coordinate, to search for images within one (spherical) rectangle defined by two given coordinates, to search for altitude and for "nogps" which currently means there is no latitude and no longitude entry. It's only a matter of someone (probably me) adding a field to the UI. NoGPS is the easiest among these.
SQL requests to ping database about image is out of goal of digiKam project => WONT FIX It still missing an option to found no geolocated images in DB Gilles Caulier
Git commit 596693931ad3c03a2caaccec3b3f21fe75e6f0ef by Mohamed Anwer. Committed on 19/08/2014 at 15:54. Pushed by mohamedanwer into branch 'master'. Removing map selection after setting Non Geolocated items, Polish UI, M +10 -9 utilities/gpssearch/gpssearchview.cpp