The commits that handled dragging of attachments have been lost in porting. The result is that dragging an attachment will now not work any longer, since only the bogus 'attachment:%1' URL is dragged, not the URL of the temp file. The classes/functions which handled this in KMail 1 were: URLHandler::handleShiftClick() URLHandler::willHandleDrag() URLHandler::handleDrag() All of the above for derived classes of URLHandler All of the above for URLHandlerManager KMReaderWin::eventFilter() And possible others.
Also, when implementing this again, please update the documentation of ViewerPrivate, the section that deals with attachment.
SVN commit 1109288 by tmcguire: Update documentation about dragging attachments. Also, fix two typos. Now the bug about attachment dragging can be closed. BUG: 225416 M +8 -3 viewer_p.h WebSVN link: