Version: 1.4 (using Devel) Compiler: gcc-4.3.4 x86_64 OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources Found this bug earlier, maybe it's related: I'm experiencing quite the opposite behaviour using 4.3.95: If a file is selected from an active column, it gets the blue box, but no operations (copy, move, delete, rename) are available. Solution is to make the parents' directory active, right-click on the file in the inactive column to make it work. Now multiple files can be selected. Steps to reproduce: 1. Browse to a directory using columns view in either Dolphin or Konqueror 2. Select a file or folder (or multiple), blue box appears 3. Try to perform operations on the file (copy, move, delete, rename) 4. Nothing happens 5. Activate the column to the left of the active column 6. Right-click the file in the inactive column, to the right of the now active one 7. Selecting files and folders now works, performing operations is now possible I first noticed this behaviour in KDE SC 4.3.95, but it may have been present in earlier (pre-4.4, not in 4.3) versions.
Thanks for the report, this has been fixed just a few days ago.