Version: ismeretlen (using 4.3.95 (KDE 4.3.95 (KDE 4.4 RC2)) "release 214", KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop / openSUSE_11.2) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (x86_64) release When I open the Klauncher (Alt+F2), and start typing Krusader, the launcher first offers me the "Be free" entry. When I'm fast and hit Enter on it, Opera opens (with my 40+ tabs) with a new page called: "opera:konqueror". Of course it is an invalid address. Please, remove the "Be free" entry or make it load *later* than Konqueror, because it is annoying that I'm always opening a new Opera tab.
what "Be free" entry is this? is it a web browser bookmark perhaps? can you check the bookmarks in konqueror to see if it exists there?
Yes, you are right, it is a bookmark in Konqueror with address: "about:konqueror". Hmmm, the fix seems is really simply now :) I don't know whether the SUSE team put this among the others or by default KDE contains it, but it acts strange when not Konqueror is the default browser.
Ok the problem is that the bookmark runner believes that "Konqueror" is your default browser, even if that is not the case. Thus it searches Konqueror's bookmarks instead of Opera's ones. There did you set your favorite browser? @devs maybe instead on relying on reading a config file [1] -- which is not that nice imho -- we could check which application is set to handle the http protocol. Especially as no BrowserApplication has to be set, while still applications handle http. [1] KConfigGroup config(KSharedConfig::openConfig("kdeglobals"), QLatin1String("General") ); const QString exec = config.readPathEntry( QLatin1String("BrowserApplication"), QString("") );
Or better do both, first the "BrowserApplication" and if empty then checking what handles html. Though still I think that method that would return the default browser would be best as that way no app would have to rely on the config file directly.
SVN commit 1202964 by mfuchs: If no specific browser has been set as default, uses the application that is set to open html-files. BUG:224406 M +10 -1 bookmarksrunner.cpp WebSVN link: