When disabling the unread column in the folder list, the unread count should be displayed in the folder name, like "inbox (10)". Folders with unread mail should be displayed in bold.
This is model related, so adding Steve to the CC list. Note that we actually have Akonadi::CollectionStatisticsDelegate, but it is not used here, and I don't know if it works with EntityTreeModel.
SVN commit 1084192 by skelly: Use the CollectionStatisticsDelegate in the FolderTreeView. BUG: 223470 M +8 -0 foldertreeview.cpp M +7 -0 foldertreeview.h WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=1084192
I'm using kmail 2.1.0 but the folder name is not bold as in kmail 1.x