Version: 4.3.90 (using Devel) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources Kubuntu Karmic 9.10 64bit. Latest KDE from kubuntu-ppa/beta PPA repository (KDE 4.3.90 - 4.4 RC1). KRDC gives the error "The entered address does not have the required form." when using a host name such as: pnt_ts2 Connects fine to hosts with no underscore in the host name. Stock Karmic KDE version of krdc works fine. Also had this same problem with OpenSUSE 64bit once I installed the latest KDE packages on that distro too. Have also tried launching krdc from CLI passing the url as follows: krdc rdp://pnt_ts2 This results in a different error "The entered address cannot be handled."
David, do you have any ideas here? It's most probably related to KUrl parsing.
Sorry - also forgot to mention that I can use the rdesktop command from the CLI using the hostname with an underscore, and it works fine. I'm assuming that KRDC uses rdesktop for the rdp part..
If I understood Thiago correctly, such a character is not valid in host names according to the relevant RFCs.
Unfortunately, it is entirely possible for machines to be named thus (in Windows at least) and, given KRDC is going to be used for connecting to Windows machines, the functionality really needs to be there (as it used to be).
<thiago> change the machine's hostname <thiago> underscores are not allowed on DNS, nor in STD 3 (I know that no DNS is involved here, but still) See also bug 220500.