Version: (using Devel) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources When having separated dashboard for activities and having there a any clock widget causes clicked the calender view to be locked top of application programs when closing the dashboard before clicking again the clock widget to hide the calender or clicking a application program window on desktop. The calender view or any pop-up what gets opened on dashboard should be closed when dashboard is hided. 1. Set dashboard separated 2. Open dashboard and add clock widget (analog, binary etc) to that. 3. Click the clock widget to get the calender view being show up. 4. Hide the dashboard by clicking the X from top, shortcut or the screencorner.
Installed from openSUSE Factory (KDE 4.4 RC1 r212) applies to earlier releases at least from 4.2. When panel with "windows can cover" settings and the docked clock plasmoid is clicked the calendar is shown when focus is removed from the panel it hides and the calendar plasmoid is still visible, the only way to remove it is to minimize the windows to access the panel and clock the clock plasmoid again. Way to replicate: 1. set panel to "windows can cover" 2. open a program and maximize ot to cover the panel. 3. Hover the bottom of the screen click the clock plasmoid to activate the calendar. 4. move mouse from the bottom of the screen, the panel is hidden and the calendar plasmoid is not removeable
*** Bug 280196 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is not a bug, but a feature. The calendar, as opposed to most other widgets, is often used alongside other windows for reference. Say for example you're chatting with someone about an appointment, and want to peak at the calendar while discussing possible dates. If the calendar closed on losing focus, it would be highly annoying. We made a design decision that the use cases for the calendar are different enough to warrant the inconsistency in behaviour, that is why the popup of the calendar doesn't close, while others do -- they're used differently.