Bug 221169 - "Amarok could't find collection plugins" = keeps updating forever
Summary: "Amarok could't find collection plugins" = keeps updating forever
Alias: None
Product: amarok
Classification: Applications
Component: general (show other bugs)
Version: 2.2.0
Platform: Ubuntu Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Amarok Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-01-03 23:01 UTC by stiu
Modified: 2010-01-07 13:27 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Description stiu 2010-01-03 23:01:45 UTC
Version:           2.2.0 (using KDE 4.3.4)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

Opening Amarok the following message appears:
"Updating system configuration"
but the updating has never an end, it continues forever. Pressing the button "cancel":
"Amarok could not find any collection plugins. It is possible that Amarok is installed under the wrong prefix, please fix your installation using:
$ cd /path/to/amarok/source-code/
$ su -c "make uninstall"
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` && su -c "make install"
$ kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental
$ amarok
More information can be found in the README file. For further assistance join us at #amarok on irc.freenode.net."

And Amarok will never launched, so it is unusable.

There is a bug report on launchpad with more information:

The bug seems to affect only 64 bit architecture.
Comment 1 Myriam Schweingruber 2010-01-04 18:01:58 UTC
You should upgrade to Amarok 2.2.1 or 2.2.2, to be released later this week.
What is strange is the wrong installation: did you compile Amarok from the tarball yourself?
Anyway, this is fixed for sure, please see also the http://kubuntu.org website for announcements of updates of Amarok, 2.2.0 is old already.
Comment 2 stiu 2010-01-05 18:17:22 UTC
The Amarok installed is the default in Ubuntu 9.10 64bit. Moreover, is a new fresh installation of Ubuntu (so, are excluded errors in upgrading distibution).
I tried the version 2.2.1 by ppa (http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu) about one week ago, and the problem persist. I'll try the new version 2.2.2 as soon as possible.
Comment 3 Myriam Schweingruber 2010-01-05 20:00:46 UTC
Well, I suggest you reinstall, then, something went definitely wrong. Make sure you have a complete installation with all Amarok packages.
Also, did you try running kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental in a konsole, then try running Amarok again?

This is not an Amarok bug but an installation problem, I use Kubuntu myself and can't remember having seen such a problem with any of the last versions, be this 2.2 or 2.2.1, so I strongly suggest you do a fresh installation of Amarok, something really went wrong on your side.
Comment 4 stiu 2010-01-06 23:35:53 UTC
Here is the outputs:

stiu@Dragon:~$ kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental
kbuildsycoca4 running...
kbuildsycoca4: ERROR creating database '/home/stiu/.kde/cache-Dragon/ksycoca4'! Insufficient permissions in target directory.
QFile::remove: Empty or null file name

stiu@Dragon:~$ sudo kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental
[sudo] password for stiu: 
kbuildsycoca4 running...

stiu@Dragon:~$ amarok
trying to create local folder /home/stiu/.kde/cache-Dragon/kpc: Permesso negato
trying to create local folder /home/stiu/.kde/cache-Dragon/kpc: Permesso negato
trying to create local folder /home/stiu/.kde/cache-Dragon/kpc: Permesso negato
trying to create local folder /home/stiu/.kde/cache-Dragon/kpc: Permesso negato
kdeinit4: Aborting. bind() failed: Permesso negato
Could not bind to socket '/home/stiu/.kde/socket-Dragon/kdeinit4__0'
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserCategoryList::leavingTree()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'internet')
amarok:  ********************************************************************************************** 
amarok:  ** amarok --debug                                                                           ** 
amarok:  ********************************************************************************************** 
stiu@Dragon:~$ kbuildsycoca4 running...
kbuildsycoca4: ERROR creating database '/home/stiu/.kde/cache-Dragon/ksycoca4'! Insufficient permissions in target directory.
QFile::remove: Empty or null file name

stiu@Dragon:~$ sudo amarok
[sudo] password for stiu: 
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserCategoryList::leavingTree()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'internet')
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserCategoryList::leavingTree()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'root list')
Object::connect: No such slot BrowserWidget::categoryChanged()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'root list')
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to Playlist::SortWidget "", which already has a layout
QWidget::insertAction: Attempt to insert null action
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserWidget::widgetActivated( int )
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'MainWindow')
Object::connect: No such signal CollectionWidget::home()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'collections')
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'root list')
Object::connect: No such signal ServiceBrowser::home()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'internet')
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'root list')
Object::connect: No such signal BrowserCategoryList::leavingTree()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'playlists')
Object::connect: No such signal PlaylistBrowserNS::DynamicCategory::home()
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'playlists')
"building tree with 0 leafs." 
Object::connect: No such signal PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistCategory::home()
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'playlists')
Object::connect: No such signal PlaylistBrowserNS::PodcastCategory::home()
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'playlists')
Object::connect: No such signal PlaylistBrowserNS::PlaylistBrowser::home()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'playlists')
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'root list')
Object::connect: No such signal FileBrowser::Widget::home()
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'files')
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'root list')
amarok:  ********************************************************************************************** 
amarok:  ** amarok --debug                                                                           ** 
amarok:  ********************************************************************************************** 
stiu@Dragon:~$ Object::connect: No such signal Playlist::GroupingProxy::activeRowChanged( int )
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'GroupingProxy')
Object::connect: No such signal Playlist::GroupingProxy::activeRowChanged( int )
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'GroupingProxy')
Object::connect: No such signal Playlist::GroupingProxy::activeRowChanged( int )
Object::connect:  (sender name:   'GroupingProxy')
Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter
Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter
Object::disconnect: Unexpected null parameter
QCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver

So, the command "kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental" doesnt't work. But, trying launching Amarok with 'sudo', it finally works. So probably the problem is in the permission folders of Amarok.

I'll try with a completly remove and reinstall of Amarok, and the new version 2.2.2 as soon as possible, and I'll post here the result.
Comment 5 Myriam Schweingruber 2010-01-07 00:14:23 UTC
Well, apparently you have permission problems, you should change the permissions in your home folder.
But please ask support questions in http://forum.kde.org/amarok, a bug tracker is not meant for support questions.
Comment 6 stiu 2010-01-07 13:05:09 UTC
Ok, I'll ask support on the forum. But as requested, I tried to completly remove Amarok and reinstall it (version 2.2.0), and then I install the version 2.2.1 by ppa, but the problem persist. I do nothing to change permission to Amarok folder, so something is wrong. I would say that should be a bug somewere, if not in Amarok, may it be in Apt, or in the installation process. Or not? May I have to report this problem in some other place? (There is still a report in launchpad).
Thanks for your time.
Comment 7 stiu 2010-01-07 13:27:49 UTC
Ok, Also other kde apps like Kaffeine and K3b shown a similar error. After I had changed the permission of ~/.kde with 744 prmissions, all the apps, Amarok included, finally works. So is an installation/packaging problem of Ubuntu. Reported on Launchpad.
So this is my last post here.
Thank you very much.