Version: (using KDE 4.3.4) OS: Linux Installed from: Debian testing/unstable Packages It connects successfully and downloads something (333B long) but not the whole calendar. OTOH, syncing google contacts works. Here's debug log: 0x1896b40 34 BEGIN 0x1896b40 34 OK Begin completed 0x1896b40 35 X-AKLSUB 0 INF (RESOURCE "akonadi_gcal_resource_0") 0x1896b40 * 4 0 (NAME "akonadi_gcal_resource_0" MIMETYPE (text/calendar) REMOTEID "google-calendar" RESOURCE "akonadi_gcal_resource_0" CACHEPOLICY (INHERIT true INTERVAL -1 CACHETIMEOUT -1 SYNCONDEMAND false LOCALPARTS (ALL)) ) 0x1896b40 35 OK List completed 0x1896b40 36 MODIFY 4 MIMETYPE (text/calendar) PARENT 0 NAME "akonadi_gcal_resource_0" REMOTEID "google-calendar" 0x1896b40 36 OK MODIFY done 0x1896b40 37 COMMIT 0x1896b40 37 OK Commit completed 0x1896b40 38 X-AKLSUB 0 INF (RESOURCE "akonadi_gcal_resource_0") 0x1896b40 * 4 0 (NAME "akonadi_gcal_resource_0" MIMETYPE (text/calendar) REMOTEID "google-calendar" RESOURCE "akonadi_gcal_resource_0" CACHEPOLICY (INHERIT true INTERVAL -1 CACHETIMEOUT -1 SYNCONDEMAND false LOCALPARTS (ALL)) ) 0x1896b40 38 OK List completed 0x1896b40 39 SELECT SILENT 4 0x1896b40 39 OK Completed 0x1896b40 40 FETCH 1:* FULLPAYLOAD ALLATTR CACHEONLY EXTERNALPAYLOAD (UID REMOTEID COLLECTIONID FLAGS SIZE DATETIME) 0x1896b40 * 1 FETCH (UID 1 REV 0 REMOTEID "" MIMETYPE "text/calendar" COLLECTIONID "4" SIZE 333 DATETIME "19-Dec-2009 01:51:29 +0000" FLAGS () PLD:RFC822 {333} BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//K Desktop Environment//NONSGML libkcal 3.2//EN VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTAMP:20091219T015129Z CREATED:20091219T015129Z UID:libkcal-1949988800.736 LAST-MODIFIED:20091219T015129Z SUMMARY:blahprivate LOCATION:noneedtoknow STATUS:CONFIRMED DTSTART:-4713010T000000 TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR) 0x1896b40 40 OK FETCH completed
In fact it "works". I have only repeated events in my calendar and those are not displayed properly in korganiser.
*** Bug 223198 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 248958 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Apparently this seems to be an issue of libgcal: The code for the bug fix is currently under review, so hopefully this is gonna be fixed soon :-)
*** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. ***
*** Bug 272114 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This bug has only been reported for versions older than KDEPIM 4.14 (at most akonadi-1.3). Can anyone tell if this bug still present? If noone confirms this bug for a recent version of akonadi (part of KDE Applications 15.08 or later), it gets closed in about three months.
Just as announced in my last comment, I close this bug. If you encounter it again in a recent version (at least 5.0 aka 15.08), please open a new one unless it already exists. Thank you for all your input.