Version: (using Devel) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources This bug exists for a longer period of time iirc. if i try to assign a shortcut with a german umlaut, for example meta+ü, it doesnt show an effect when pressed. regardless which action i want to execute with the shortcut. i configure the shortcuts via systemsettings. i also use quassel built with kde support, umlaut shortcuts work there.
i did some further testing... in choqok, kopete it also worked. it only fails if i set the shortcut via systemsettings. so probably the bug is in systemsettings? these are the contents of kglobalshortcutsrc: Switch to Desktop 5=Meta+Ü,none,Switch to Desktop 5 *doesnt work* Switch to Desktop 5=Meta+H,none,Switch to Desktop 5 *works*
interestingly it seems the issue isnt only in one kcm, i tried input action, standard keyboard shortcuts and global shortcuts, all 3 dont work.
i found out another hint: meta+shift+Ü works, but meta+Ü doesnt.
The same with č,ř,š and other similar characters on czech/qwertz layout. However the trick with shift does not work for me. Tested on 4.3.90.
This bug still exists. meta+{ä,ö,ü} does not work. Additionally the 'shift' characters in the digit row do not work e.g. meta+!.
Does killing & restarting /usr/bin/kglobalaccel5 help? see: bug 350816
meta+{ä,ö,ü} and meta+shift+{ä,ö,ü} do not work with System Settings Version 5.13.5. meta+! does work now. (In reply to Holger from comment #6) > Does killing & restarting /usr/bin/kglobalaccel5 help? No, it does not help.
Any news on this issue? I'm trying to use Meta+1/2/3/4... for Activate Task Manager Entry shortcuts with a Czech keyboard. None of the default shortcuts work. Rebinding them manually shows them as - Meta++ - Meta+Ě - Meta+Š - Meta+Č - etc. of which only Meta++ works, the rest doesn't. This is still a problem with KDE Plasma 5.23.80, X11.
This bug makes KDE unusable for me, so I had to work around it... I ended up binding the Activate Task Manager Entry shortcuts to F13-F21, installed xbindkeys, and configured it like this for Czech layout: ``` "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F13" Mod4 + Super_L + ecaron "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F14" Mod4 + Super_L + scaron "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F15" Mod4 + Super_L + ccaron "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F16" Mod4 + Super_L + rcaron "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F17" Mod4 + Super_L + zcaron "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F18" Mod4 + Super_L + yacute "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F19" Mod4 + Super_L + aacute "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F20" Mod4 + Super_L + iacute "sleep 0.2 && xdotool key --clearmodifiers --window 0 F21" Mod4 + Super_L + eacute ``` Setting sleep to anything less causes the Application Launcher to appear spuriously... However the problem with this is that sometimes after pressing the xbindkeys shortcuts, Application Launcher completely stops responding to Meta. So I ended up finding xsuperkey which rebinds Meta to Alt+F1, and that seems to work. This is an awful two-layered hack, a workaround that needs its own workaround to stop completely destroying the usability of the desktop environment... But since this bug is still not fixed, this is the only way I can use KDE. An alternative to this awful hack might be switching to Gnome with the Dash to Panel extension, where all Meta+digit shortcuts work flawlessly on the Czech layout...
Hi, kdelibs (version 4 and earlier) is no longer maintained since a few years. KDE Frameworks 5 or 6 might already have resolved this bug. If not, please re-open against the matching framework if feasible or against the application that shows the issue. We then can still dispatch it to the right Bugzilla product or component. Greetings Christoph Cullmann