Application that crashed: ark Version of the application: 2.13 KDE Version: 4.3.2 (KDE 4.3.2) Qt Version: 4.5.2 Operating System: Linux 2.6.31-14-generic x86_64 Distribution: Ubuntu 9.10 What I was doing when the application crashed: 1 click an rar file, then Ark is launched 2 click a html file in the rar archive in Ark 3 close the view of the html file 4 Ark crashed -- Backtrace: Application: Ark (ark), signal: Segmentation fault The current source language is "auto; currently c". [KCrash Handler] #5 QObject::parent (this=0x0) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qobject.h:243 #6 QWidget::parentWidget (this=0x0) at ../../include/QtGui/../../src/gui/kernel/qwidget.h:988 #7 QWidget::window (this=0x0) at kernel/qwidget.cpp:3882 #8 0x00007f1b46e4ceb6 in QWidget::topLevelWidget (this=0x26e9db0) at /usr/include/qt4/QtGui/qwidget.h:314 #9 KParts::StatusBarExtension::statusBar (this=0x26e9db0) at ../../kparts/statusbarextension.cpp:153 #10 0x00007f1b46e4d82c in KParts::StatusBarExtension::removeStatusBarItem (this=0x0, widget=0x2b6c3e0) at ../../kparts/statusbarextension.cpp:176 #11 0x00007f1b36a4b71e in KHTMLPart::removeJSErrorExtension (this=0x26290d0) at ../../khtml/khtml_part.cpp:1274 #12 0x00007f1b36a75818 in ~KHTMLPart (this=0x26290d0, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>, __vtt_parm=<value optimized out>) at ../../khtml/khtml_part.cpp:585 #13 0x00007f1b46e34526 in KParts::Part::slotWidgetDestroyed (this=0x26290d0) at ../../kparts/part.cpp:354 #14 0x00007f1b46e3461c in KParts::Part::qt_metacall (this=0x26290d0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=<value optimized out>, _a=0x7fff3b664630) at ./part.moc:76 #15 0x00007f1b46e34675 in KParts::ReadOnlyPart::qt_metacall (this=0x0, _c=45532128, _id=-48, _a=0x1) at ./part.moc:154 #16 0x00007f1b36a7e43e in KHTMLPart::qt_metacall (this=0x0, _c=45532128, _id=-48, _a=0x1) at ./khtml_part.moc:246 #17 0x00007f1b45007ddc in QMetaObject::activate (sender=0x26b2660, from_signal_index=<value optimized out>, to_signal_index=<value optimized out>, argv=0x1) at kernel/qobject.cpp:3113 #18 0x00007f1b45008314 in QObject::destroyed (this=0x0, _t1=0x26b2660) at .moc/release-shared/moc_qobject.cpp:143 #19 0x00007f1b4500917b in ~QObject (this=<value optimized out>, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at kernel/qobject.cpp:757 #20 0x00007f1b4595d628 in ~QWidget (this=0x26b2660, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at kernel/qwidget.cpp:1380 #21 0x00007f1b45000e5c in QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren (this=0x2619ea0) at kernel/qobject.cpp:1847 #22 0x00007f1b4595d993 in ~QWidget (this=0x2601140, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at kernel/qwidget.cpp:1367 #23 0x00007f1b4664f821 in ~KVBox (this=0x0, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at ../../kdeui/widgets/kvbox.cpp:29 #24 0x00007f1b45000e5c in QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren (this=0x261d360) at kernel/qobject.cpp:1847 #25 0x00007f1b4595d993 in ~QWidget (this=0x7fff3b664900, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at kernel/qwidget.cpp:1367 #26 0x00007f1b3c7d662d in ArkViewer::view (filename=..., parent=0x22d5bb0) at ../../../ark/part/arkviewer.cpp:91 #27 0x00007f1b3c7cfb7c in Part::slotPreviewExtracted (this=0x22e3fa0, job=<value optimized out>) at ../../../ark/part/part.cpp:471 #28 0x00007f1b3c7c8ff1 in Part::qt_metacall (this=0x22e3fa0, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=<value optimized out>, _a=0x221a050) at moc_part.cpp:121 #29 0x00007f1b450020f9 in QObject::event (this=0x22e3fa0, e=0x26096d0) at kernel/qobject.cpp:1111 #30 0x00007f1b45912efc in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper (this=0x21d4030, receiver=0x22e3fa0, e=0x26096d0) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:4056 #31 0x00007f1b4591a1ce in QApplication::notify (this=0x7fff3b665490, receiver=0x22e3fa0, e=0x26096d0) at kernel/qapplication.cpp:4021 #32 0x00007f1b46549ab6 in KApplication::notify (this=0x7fff3b665490, receiver=0x22e3fa0, event=0x26096d0) at ../../kdeui/kernel/kapplication.cpp:302 #33 0x00007f1b44ff2c2c in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal (this=0x7fff3b665490, receiver=0x22e3fa0, event=0x26096d0) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:610 #34 0x00007f1b44ff380a in QCoreApplication::sendEvent (receiver=0x0, event_type=<value optimized out>, data=0x21b9050) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h:213 #35 QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents (receiver=0x0, event_type=<value optimized out>, data=0x21b9050) at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:1247 #36 0x00007f1b4501b533 in QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents (s=<value optimized out>) at ../../include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/kernel/qcoreapplication.h:218 #37 postEventSourceDispatch (s=<value optimized out>) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:210 #38 0x00007f1b412a5bbe in g_main_dispatch (context=0x21d6d20) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.22.2/glib/gmain.c:1960 #39 IA__g_main_context_dispatch (context=0x21d6d20) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.22.2/glib/gmain.c:2513 #40 0x00007f1b412a9588 in g_main_context_iterate (context=0x21d6d20, block=<value optimized out>, dispatch=<value optimized out>, self=<value optimized out>) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.22.2/glib/gmain.c:2591 #41 0x00007f1b412a96b0 in IA__g_main_context_iteration (context=0x21d6d20, may_block=1) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.22.2/glib/gmain.c:2654 #42 0x00007f1b4501b1a6 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x21b8c80, flags=<value optimized out>) at kernel/qeventdispatcher_glib.cpp:327 #43 0x00007f1b459a74be in QGuiEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents (this=0x0, flags=<value optimized out>) at kernel/qguieventdispatcher_glib.cpp:202 #44 0x00007f1b44ff1532 in QEventLoop::processEvents (this=<value optimized out>, flags=) at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:149 #45 0x00007f1b44ff1904 in QEventLoop::exec (this=0x7fff3b6653e0, flags=) at kernel/qeventloop.cpp:201 #46 0x00007f1b44ff3ab9 in QCoreApplication::exec () at kernel/qcoreapplication.cpp:888 #47 0x0000000000409996 in main (argc=<value optimized out>, argv=<value optimized out>) at ../../../ark/app/main.cpp:209 This bug may be a duplicate of or related to bug 211213 Reported using DrKonqi
Can you attach the file that causes this crash or a test case that presents the same behaviour?
Created attachment 38327 [details] The rar file that crashed Ark the crash described in the bug report is reproduceable with this file. Hope this helps. Ryan
SVN commit 1049202 by orlovich: Don't crash when ::statusBar is called after the widget destruction (when widget was destroyed before the part) if we never had the statusbar in the first place. BUG: 214538 M +1 -1 statusbarextension.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 1049203 by orlovich: automatically merged revision 1049202: Don't crash when ::statusBar is called after the widget destruction (when widget was destroyed before the part) if we never had the statusbar in the first place. BUG: 214538 M +1 -1 statusbarextension.cpp WebSVN link:
*** Bug 215739 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 216137 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 217535 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 218203 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 218342 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***