Version: (using KDE 4.3.2) Compiler: g++ (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) 4.4.1 g++ (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) 4.4.1 OS: Linux Installed from: Ubuntu Packages If you use KSaveFile from a different owner you loose guid and group permissions: example: 1) I have two user: (both member of group_common) user1 => group: user1 group_common user2 => group: user2 group_common 2) user1 create a file with following right: -rw-rw-r-- 1 user1 group_common myfile.jpg 3) user2 rotate the jpeg with gwenview and save (gwenview use KSaveFile for saving changes) 4)result: gid is changed and user1 has no more permissions on the file: -rw------- 1 user2 user2 myfile.jpg
I have found the error: in open function, fchown is used to uid and gid and permissions are set only on success. It can succeed only for root or if uid are the same (user and file). It explains the BUG. Here is my fix proposal: original code: (look in open) 115 // if we're overwriting an existing file, ensure temp file's 116 // permissions are the same as existing file so the existing 117 // file's permissions are preserved. this will succeed only if we 118 // are the same owner and group - or allmighty root. 119 QFileInfo fi ( d->realFileName ); 120 if (fi.exists()) { 121 //Qt apparently has no way to change owner/group of file :( 122 if (!fchown(tempFile.handle(), fi.ownerId(), fi.groupId())) 123 tempFile.setPermissions(fi.permissions()); 124 } 125 else { 126 mode_t umsk = KGlobal::umask(); 127 fchmod(tempFile.handle(), 0666&(~umsk)); 128 } mine: QFileInfo fi ( d->realFileName ); if (fi.exists()) { // set permissions tempFile.setPermissions(fi.permissions()); // Qt apparently has no way to change owner/group of file :( // try to set user and group (changing user may requiere root privilege) if (fchown(tempFile.handle(), fi.ownerId(), fi.groupId())) { // failed to set user and group => try to restore group anyway fchown(tempFile.handle(), -1, fi.groupId()); } } else { mode_t umsk = KGlobal::umask(); fchmod(tempFile.handle(), 0666&(~umsk)); } => may a better way should be to set separetly gid and uid. Hope it helps!
the file is part of kdelibs/kdecore : kde4libs-4.3.2/kdecore/io/ksavefile.cpp
SVN commit 1100544 by ossi: don't lock out the original owner when stealing a file there should be no harm in applying the original file's permissions even if the chown failed - after all, these permissions made it possible for us to work with the file, so why would we suddenly have an interest in disallowing others to do the same? BUG: 213538 M +8 -4 ksavefile.cpp WebSVN link: