Version: trunk (using KDE 4.3.2) Installed from: Ubuntu Packages The exposure indicators aren't working while importing a raw image. This is something that should definitely work as it is very important for a good raw import.
Johannes, I assume this one is fixed with, is it?
For me it still doesn't show anything while being in raw conversion mode.
I confirm. Changing contrast or brightness, which generate over and under exposed pixels, do not show something in preview Gilles
You are right, over/under exposure indicators from menu bar are not working in tool views like whitebalance. But over/under exposure indicator work from tool buttons on top in whitebalace view for me. So it looks like the menu entries are delegated to the edit view, but not to the tools view nor they connected to the state of the tool buttons. Is this right?
yes and a big patch is under construction on my computer. All is partially fixed there Gilles Caulier
Created attachment 39538 [details] Use expo settings and CM settings in raw import preview This patch fix more issues : - in editor, i factorize all KActions to status bar indicator (CM, overexpo, underexpo). This will limit signals/slots connections and redundant codes. - in editortoolidface, i had new method to handle indicators status - in RawImport tool, indicator status are dispatched to preview widget. - RawImport preview use indicators status to draw image. Pending problems : - When you load editor with a RAW image, if indicator are already set on by a previous session, there are not propagated to raw import preview. You need to press F10 or F11 to take effect. But in code, read settings restore indicator status fine. I don't yet found where is the problem. - In RawImport, OverExposure indicator don't work. I suspsect that post processing algorithm clamp to 65534, not 65535 (tested in 16 bits, not 8 bits) Please review and test... Gilles Caulier
Created attachment 39542 [details] patch version2. compile with currrent svn
This part : - in editor, i factorize all KActions to status bar indicator (CM, overexpo, underexpo). This will limit signals/slots connections and redundant codes. ... is officially in trunk now. Patch only include rest of changes. Gilles Caulier
SVN commit 1069871 by cgilles: for obscurs reasons, DImgScale code clamp to 65534 or 254 instead 65535 or 255. I don't know why exactly. This can be seen with RawPreview code when pixamp is rendered. So we adapt pureColor Mask code accordingly. CCBUGS: 211643 M +6 -5 dimg.cpp WebSVN link:
SVN commit 1069872 by cgilles: dispatch under/over/CM flags to editortool. Use it as well to RAWImport CCBUGS: 211643 M +6 -0 editor/editortool.h M +14 -0 editor/editortooliface.cpp M +5 -0 editor/editortooliface.h M +2 -2 editor/editorwindow.cpp M +11 -1 rawimport/rawimport.cpp M +2 -0 rawimport/rawimport.h M +6 -2 rawimport/rawpostprocessing.cpp M +66 -14 rawimport/rawpreview.cpp M +5 -1 rawimport/rawpreview.h WebSVN link:
SVN commit 1069924 by cgilles: clear cache when indicator state change BUGS: 211643 M +3 -3 rawpreview.cpp WebSVN link:
Marcel, i has a question for you there : In canvas/dimginterface, we have a method to switch on/off CM soft proof (setSoftProofingEnabled() method) Do you think that we must implement the same things in rawpreview ? Currenty, rawpreview support over/under exposure indicator, and color management view. Important : With image editor tool preview factorization, i plan to use rawpreview code later as reference implementation. Gilles Caulier
For me this works good now.
Gilles, because you made some commits since your last patch attachment I'm not shure if you commit all or I still have to patch. When I open a image in editor, menubar actions of exposure indicators match exposure indicator in statusbar. Indicators are shown on the image accordingly. When open a tool, for example white balance, the statusbar symbols of indicators match and change with menu actions. But indicators are not shown on the image, nor is there a matching between indicator menu actions and indicator toolbar actions. Jens
>Gilles, because you made some commits since your last patch attachment I'm not >shure if you commit all or I still have to patch. All is commited now. For the rest i will take a look if a side effect exist... Gilles
Yeah, with your commit from today everything looks fine now, Gilles. All statusbar entries, menue entries and indicators behave like I expected. :o)