Application that crashed: kbuildsycoca4 Version of the application: 1.1 KDE Version: 4.3.00 (KDE 4.3.0) Qt Version: 4.5.2 Operating System: Linux 2.6.28-14-generic i686 Distribution: Ubuntu karmic (development branch) What I was doing when the application crashed: This is a kubuntu karmic alpha 4release with kde 4.3 after the latest upgrades (yesterday) kdm keeps crashing. I suspect some broken dependencies to be the reason. At boot up kdmgreet crashes, when creating the error report, kbuildsycoca4 crashes (I can add part of the backtraces later, if needed). kdm can be started via startx from tty, while loading, kbuildsycoca crashes again, however desktop effects are enabled and it automatically reopened the konsole that was left open from my last session. Also drkonqui seems to be working now. -- Backtrace: Application: KBuildSycoca (kdeinit4), signal: Segmentation fault [KCrash Handler] #6 0xb67db89e in _nl_find_msg (domain_file=<value optimized out>, domainbinding=<value optimized out>, msgid=<value optimized out>, convert=0, lengthp=0xbf980f48) at dcigettext.c:810 #7 0xb67dd3d8 in _nl_load_domain (domain_file=0x89a04e0, domainbinding=<value optimized out>) at loadmsgcat.c:1257 #8 0xb67dced1 in _nl_find_domain (dirname=<value optimized out>, locale=<value optimized out>, domainname=<value optimized out>, domainbinding=0x899dd58) at finddomain.c:149 #9 0xb67dc5c1 in __dcigettext (domainname=0x899dd30 "desktop_kdebase-workspace", msgid1=0xbf98110c "Comment\4KWin Effect", msgid2=0x0, plural=0, n=0, category=5) at dcigettext.c:642 #10 0xb67db473 in *__GI___dcgettext (domainname=0x899dd30 "desktop_kdebase-workspace", msgid=0xbf98110c "Comment\4KWin Effect", category=5) at dcgettext.c:53 #11 0xb7d11cac in dcpgettext_expr (domain=<value optimized out>, msgctxt=<value optimized out>, msgid=0x899df60 "KWin Effect", category=<value optimized out>) at ../../kdecore/localization/gettext.h:208 #12 0xb7d12d7a in KCatalog::translateStrict (this=0x899f420, msgctxt=0x899dd98 "Comment", msgid=0x899df60 "KWin Effect") at ../../kdecore/localization/kcatalog.cpp:261 #13 0xb7d259e2 in KLocalePrivate::translate_priv (this=0x85c8618, msgctxt=0x899dd98 "Comment", msgid=0x899df60 "KWin Effect", msgid_plural=0x0, n=0, language=0xbf981708, translation=0xbf981704) at ../../kdecore/localization/klocale.cpp:820 #14 0xb7d267b0 in KLocale::translateRaw (this=0xbf9817d0, ctxt=0x899dd98 "Comment", msg=0x899df60 "KWin Effect", lang=0xbf981708, trans=0xbf981704) at ../../kdecore/localization/klocale.cpp:844 #15 0xb7c23cf0 in KConfigIniBackend::translateKey (this=0x85c75c0, locale=..., entryMap=..., currentGroup=..., key=...) at ../../kdecore/config/kconfigini.cpp:300 #16 0xb7c254b8 in KConfigIniBackend::parseConfig (this=0x85c75c0, currentLocale=..., entryMap=..., options=..., merging=false) at ../../kdecore/config/kconfigini.cpp:274 #17 0xb7c27256 in KConfigIniBackend::parseConfig (this=0x85c75c0, currentLocale=..., entryMap=..., options=...) at ../../kdecore/config/kconfigini.cpp:66 #18 0xb7c0f9a6 in KConfigPrivate::parseConfigFiles (this=0x897b490) at ../../kdecore/config/kconfig.cpp:525 #19 0xb7c0fd7c in KConfig::reparseConfiguration (this=0xbf981b0c) at ../../kdecore/config/kconfig.cpp:448 #20 0xb7c278c3 in KDesktopFile (this=0xbf981b0c, resourceType=0x85c7080 "servicetypes", fileName=...) at ../../kdecore/config/kdesktopfile.cpp:58 #21 0xb4ab3e14 in KBuildServiceTypeFactory::createEntry (this=0x85c0408, file=..., resource=0x85c7080 "servicetypes") at ../../kded/kbuildservicetypefactory.cpp:72 #22 0xb4aa4cbf in KBuildSycoca::createEntry (this=0x89958a8, file=..., addToFactory=true) at ../../kded/kbuildsycoca.cpp:162 #23 0xb4aa5872 in KBuildSycoca::build (this=0x89958a8) at ../../kded/kbuildsycoca.cpp:282 #24 0xb4aa6fbd in KBuildSycoca::recreate (this=0x89958a8) at ../../kded/kbuildsycoca.cpp:431 #25 0xb4aa892f in kdemain (argc=2, argv=0x855bad8) at ../../kded/kbuildsycoca.cpp:829 #26 0x0804de01 in launch (argc=<value optimized out>, _name=<value optimized out>, args=<value optimized out>, cwd=0x0, envc=1, envs=0x8544dfd "DISPLAY=:0.0", reset_env=false, tty=0x0, avoid_loops=false, startup_id_str=0x8544e0e "homer;1251119622;897612;451_TIME0") at ../../kinit/kinit.cpp:676 #27 0x0804ea55 in handle_launcher_request (sock=<value optimized out>, who=<value optimized out>) at ../../kinit/kinit.cpp:1168 #28 0x0804eecc in handle_requests (waitForPid=<value optimized out>) at ../../kinit/kinit.cpp:1361 #29 0x0804fd0f in main (argc=2, argv=0xbf9827d4, envp=0xbf9827e0) at ../../kinit/kinit.cpp:1740 Reported using DrKonqi
The crash is independent from the kernel. I booted the 2.6.31 earlier and got the same crashes. DrKonqui also opened konqueror on the affected machine. So clearly some gui-programs are still working. The atempt to start plasma-desktop on it, yielded the following error messages in konsole: kathrin@homer:~ >plasma-desktop QDBusObjectPath: invalid path "" QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout findServiceByDesktopPath: /usr/share/applications/kde4/Kontact.desktop not found findServiceByDesktopPath: /usr/share/applications/kde/amarok.desktop not found KCrash: Application 'plasma-desktop' crashing...
Mh, looks like the crash is related to gettext. is that package updated properly ? You also told your system was a bit broken (broken deps at least); could you try to fix that situation ? Thanks
Hi, I'm sorry to say I didn't see your reply, I went ahead and reinstalled kde today. :( Everyhting is running fine now, I guess that means there was nothing wrong with kde itself, but something got corrupted during the update. I did try to reinstall a number of kde-libs without much success prior to reinstalling (fixing for one the broken dependency for the package kdebase-workspace-data, which had a mismatch in version numbers for karmic). Sorry to have bothered you for nothing in the end, regards kathrin
No problem. I'm glad it is working now.