Version: 4.3.0-0ubuntu10 (using KDE 4.3.0) OS: Linux Installed from: Ubuntu Packages when restarting I have to manually set the opacity of my konsole to 75%. It would be nice if this were saved on logout (together with which windows were open where).
There are window specific rules for opacity. They are working on trunk - unsure about 4.3. Perhaps that is something that could help you.
Only one question: are you setting the opacity of only the typing area or of the whole konsole window (including tabs and windeco) ???
I set the opacity via the top left icon (or rather alt+f3), set opacity. Although it wouldn't make much difference as I've set the konsoles to no scrollbar, no menubar, no window border!
opacity rules so far only allow forcing an opacity for active & inactive windows - not remembering you'll in this case have to apply a "special window setting" unfortunately the feature only works in trunk and will be backported (i think 14 days are gone now...) for 4.3.1 - even more unfortunately the UI exists for quite a while w/o any effect :-( for konsole i however strongly recommand to use konsoles background transparency feature as it allows opaque text on a translucent background improving readability. (settings -> edit current profile -> appearance) if one of the above fits you (i.e. you do not request a window rule to really restore the last set translucency, but only a fixed value "75%"), please close this bug - thanks =D
Please don't close bug reports just because the reporter has worked around the problem without it actually being fixed...
didn't mean to ask to close by workaround but implicit clarification, sorry :-( so, clarified clarification request: @biggerben: do you want to a) preserve the opacity for all windows cross sessions (i.e. after logging in, automatically opened windows get the opacity from before) b) preserve the opacity set to certain window types (i.e. you can close the window/app and after restarting they'll [also intra-session] get the opacity you applied last) c) force a specific opacity for certain windows (i.e. whenever you open/start them up you'll get this opacity - no matter which they had before) d) have konsole a translucent background (and so far just "faked" it by a general translucency)
That would be a) anything else is just a huge mess imo!
SVN commit 1011730 by luebking: BUG: 203903 preserve window opacity across sessions M +2 -0 manage.cpp M +2 -0 sm.cpp M +1 -0 sm.h WebSVN link: