Version: 1.12.0 (using 4.2.95 (KDE 4.2.95 (KDE 4.3 RC1)) "release 139", KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop / openSUSE_11.1) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (x86_64) release a double click on the found message puts focus on the message in the main kmail window, but the message body is not displayed BTW * why not a single click to focus ? * why not opening the message in a new window with double click ? BTW 2 I think it's not an optimal solution to ONLY put focus on the found message because the main k,ail window is hidden behind the search window and one does not necessarily realize that something happens in the background.
SVN commit 996743 by winterz: In the search window results list view, make single click on a message put the focus on that message and make double click open a viewer window for that message. BUGS: 199484,141201 M +7 -3 kmmainwidget.h M +36 -15 searchwindow.cpp M +5 -0 searchwindow.h WebSVN link: