Version: 0.8.80 (using KDE 4.2.90) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled From Sources Compiling the following file with latex modern in kile: ### \documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} \begin{document} asd \newpage asdf \end{document} ## results in a dvi file called test.dvi. If this file is located in a directory like /home/kdedev/kile-projects/test# (i.e. with a # in the name) the forwardDVI call from kile results in the okular command line ### okular --unique 'file:/home/kdedev/kile-projects/test#1.dvi#src:17 ./1.tex' ### and than okular complains okular(9881)/okular (app) Okular::Document::openDocument: No plugin for mimetype '"application/x-zerosize"'. and does not open the file. If this is a kile bug I'd happily fix kile :) Thanks, Thomas
You mean okular --unique 'file:/home/kdedev/kile-projects/test#/test1.dvi#src:17 ./1.tex' ? Does okular --unique 'file:/home/kdedev/kile-projects/test#/test1.dvi' work?
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 195909 ***