Bug 196627 - Right-click context menu for the Albums View.
Summary: Right-click context menu for the Albums View.
Alias: None
Product: digikam
Classification: Applications
Component: Usability-Menus (show other bugs)
Version: 0.10.0
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Digikam Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-06-15 16:08 UTC by Michael Liddle
Modified: 2024-05-29 02:14 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In: 8.4.0
Sentry Crash Report:


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Description Michael Liddle 2009-06-15 16:08:02 UTC
Version:           0.10.0 (using 4.2.88 (KDE 4.2.88 (KDE 4.3 >= 20090527)) "release 127", KDE:KDE4:Factory:Desktop / openSUSE_11.0)
Compiler:          gcc
OS:                Linux (i686) release

Earlier I created a wish for collapsable album groups in the middle view panel (https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=196583). I would like to expand on that suggestion here, after which time I will mark the old report as a duplicate of this one.

My proposal is to have a more general context menu in the albums GUI, showing when either the album header or any of the other (non-image) panel in the list view is right-clicked. This menu might contain the following options (split into current album and whole view parts):

| Hide this album                | * Collapses under the header
| Select all from this album     | 
| Select none from this album    |
| Invert selection in this album | * Might not be necessary 
| Go to > album/date             |
| Album properties               |
| Select all                     |
| Select none                    |
| Invert selection               |

I think that that current lack of any action when right-clicking in these areas feels strange, and moreover I think that the options that I suggest would be handy! :)
Comment 1 Michael Liddle 2009-06-15 16:09:07 UTC
*** Bug 196583 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 caulier.gilles 2009-06-15 17:38:46 UTC

This entry is for you (:=)))

Gilles Caulier
Comment 3 Marcel Wiesweg 2009-06-15 19:04:37 UTC
Select all from this album  =  Click on album header
Comment 4 Michael Liddle 2009-06-15 20:53:38 UTC
@ #3: Is that supposed to be current behaviour? It does not work for me in 0.10...
Comment 5 Marcel Wiesweg 2009-06-15 22:09:48 UTC
Ah, you are at 0.10.
No, this is for current SVN / 1.0beta only.
Comment 6 caulier.gilles 2011-12-23 10:33:03 UTC
Michael, Andi,

This file still valid using digiKam 2.4 ?

Gilles Caulier
Comment 7 caulier.gilles 2013-11-26 17:34:15 UTC

This entry still valid using digiKam 3.5.0 ?

Gilles Caulier
Comment 8 caulier.gilles 2015-06-30 08:05:47 UTC
New digiKam 4.11.0 is available :


Can you reproduce the problem with this release ?