Version: 2.3 (using 4.2.91 (KDE 4.2.91 (KDE 4.3 >= 20090609)), Arch Linux) Compiler: gcc OS: Linux (i686) release 2.6.29-x41 A while ago I proposed to change the way web or terminal areas are drawn. Until now, contrary to the way the rest of the windows style is drawn, Konsole uses right angles for the HTML display area. This looks to me like a 'forgotten detail' and undermines the rest of the style. Casper Boemann agreed, but explained to me that the Oxygen people can't fix it. He made clear it is a problem of the individual applications. I already filed a report for Konqueror, and now one for Konsole. See Bug 176293 and 176319 for more details
Where I said HTML area, I meant terminal area of course...
Overview of related bug reports: Konqueror - bug 176319 Konsole - bug 196398 Akregator - bug 196400 Okular - bug 196401 System settings - bug 196403
Did you have a screenshot of the proposal? I think Casper Boemann contacted me a while back about this my I couldn't find his email. My initial reaction at the moment is that I am not keen on the idea since I like the clean look that the rectangular borderless terminal window has. The one problem is that if you have a white terminal background then there is not enough contrast between the grey menu at the top of the screen and the white area underneath. Same with the content area and the tabs at the bottom. Having said that, I may be persuaded by pretty mock-ups. I also understand the desire for visual consistency but I don't think the rounded borders which surround a multi-line text field for example would look right in Konsole or Konqueror.
Created attachment 34546 [details] Rectangular area and scrollbar
Created attachment 34547 [details] Example based on Kate
Thanks for your quick reply. Let me say first that I also like a clean look for my terminal window. My point is that the rectangular area doesn't seem to be part of the style. I think it should be the responsibility of the style designers to come up with a clean design for these content/terminal areas. As I understood from Casper they can't do that right now. (BTW, in KDE 4.3 you can configure the border size under Windows style.) I attached a screenshot with the problematic area with the scrollbar. As an example of what I mean I attached a screenshot based on a Kate window. (The only problem with my screenshot is, I think, that the scrollbar is not in the middle between the window border and the border on the left of it, but that's another issue.)
Another possible example today on Planet KDE:
I see what you mean. The kate screenshot shows the rounded corners well. If someone wants to create a patch then we'll look at it. Konsole doesn't use a QFrame so that can't be used. #7 that link is invalid now.
I don't think is something to work on in the future. Let us know if you disagree.
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