Version: 4.2.86 (20090514) (using Devel) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources Konqueror's ftp:// protocol does not work with busybox's ftpd server. The problem is konqueror's "list -la" request, which is against RFC 959 and which busybox does not like: Jun 7 17:33:11 td2 daemon.err ftpd[400]: PWD Jun 7 17:33:11 td2 daemon.err ftpd[400]: 257 "/" Jun 7 17:33:11 td2 daemon.err ftpd[400]: cwd /usr Jun 7 17:33:11 td2 daemon.err ftpd[400]: 250 Operation successful Jun 7 17:33:12 td2 daemon.err ftpd[398]: cwd /usr Jun 7 17:33:12 td2 daemon.err ftpd[398]: 250 Operation successful Jun 7 17:33:12 td2 daemon.err ftpd[398]: PASV Jun 7 17:33:12 td2 daemon.err ftpd[398]: 227 PASV ok (192,168,200,33,4,5) Jun 7 17:33:12 td2 daemon.err ftpd[398]: list -la Jun 7 17:33:12 td2 daemon.err ftpd[401]: -la: No such file or directory Jun 7 17:33:12 td2 daemon.err ftpd[398]: 150 Directory listing ftpd then returns an empty listing (because there is no file named "-la"). Just removing the "-la" from the "LIST" command should do fine.
I forgot: other people reported the same problem with older / stable konqueror versions, so it is not a recent problem.
kio_ftp does do "LIST" without "-la" when the command with it fails ; so this issue seems to have already been fixed. See