Bug 194449 - Use all visual settings of user to root windows
Summary: Use all visual settings of user to root windows
Alias: None
Product: systemsettings
Classification: Applications
Component: kcm_style (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Ubuntu Unspecified
: NOR wishlist
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Cristian Tibirna
: 208925 295995 299946 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2009-05-28 17:16 UTC by m.wege
Modified: 2015-01-20 22:31 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

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Description m.wege 2009-05-28 17:16:56 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.2.85)
Installed from:    Ubuntu Packages

A little annoyance: If you open a root window it uses the visual settings of the root user. The are in a ugly standard config and do not really look good. There for I would like to suggest that all visual configurations of a user (at least on a single user system) are applied to root too. Apart from may be the colour of the window frame which should be configurable in system settings and as a standard may be read. So that you always know if it is an app in root-mode.
Comment 1 Ben Cooksley 2009-05-29 07:53:29 UTC
It is hoped that KCM's will be using PolicyKit for privilaged actions in KDE 4.4, therefore this won't affect them. You should not need to run KDE applications generally as root.

I do not think this has a high chance of being implemented.
Comment 2 Christoph Feck 2009-09-30 11:07:37 UTC
*** Bug 208925 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 m.wege 2009-09-30 12:06:46 UTC
So there will also be no need for a root console or a root dolphin window?
Comment 4 Ben Cooksley 2009-09-30 12:39:01 UTC
Comment 5 Christoph Feck 2013-04-21 16:21:58 UTC
*** Bug 299946 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 6 David Edmundson 2015-01-20 22:26:08 UTC
Thanks for the report.

As Ben said, we are making all efforts to make sure you never run a graphical application as root.

If there is a specific need to run an app as root, please file a bug for that so we can fix it. In general there should be no reason to.
Comment 7 David Edmundson 2015-01-20 22:31:58 UTC
*** Bug 295995 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***