Bug 193004 - media player widget crashes plasma when finishing playing
Summary: media player widget crashes plasma when finishing playing
Alias: None
Product: plasma4
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: widget-misc (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: openSUSE Linux
: NOR crash
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Plasma Bugs List
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-05-17 14:24 UTC by Cyril Brosch
Modified: 2009-05-17 21:21 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:

crash with xine phonon backend (7.50 KB, text/plain)
2009-05-17 14:25 UTC, Cyril Brosch
crash with gstreamer phonon backend (6.57 KB, text/plain)
2009-05-17 14:26 UTC, Cyril Brosch
crash of plasmoidviewer (6.75 KB, text/plain)
2009-05-17 14:27 UTC, Cyril Brosch
backtrace of crash (with xine) with plasma-addon debug symbols (7.68 KB, application/octet-stream)
2009-05-17 17:08 UTC, Cyril Brosch

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Cyril Brosch 2009-05-17 14:24:40 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.2.85)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs

The media player applet reproducably crashes the plasma-desktop right after a file has been fully played, not when it is stoped manually. I tested with mp3, avi and mpeg, both with xine and gstreamer backend, see the backtraces.
Even from within the  plasmoidviewer it crahses plasma, see the backtrace.

I think there is a connection with the crashes I have with the mini player plasmoid (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=95501). It doesn't crash after playing, but manipulating the volume or the settings crashes plasma in KDE 4.2 and 4.3, too. Unfortunately I don't get a backtrace with that plasmoid.
For the widgets are very similar (e.g. I have the same video problems with both, see https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=191696), it might be a more general bug in phonon or plasma.
Comment 1 Cyril Brosch 2009-05-17 14:25:56 UTC
Created attachment 33763 [details]
crash with xine phonon backend
Comment 2 Cyril Brosch 2009-05-17 14:26:31 UTC
Created attachment 33764 [details]
crash with gstreamer phonon backend
Comment 3 Cyril Brosch 2009-05-17 14:27:06 UTC
Created attachment 33765 [details]
crash of plasmoidviewer
Comment 4 Cyril Brosch 2009-05-17 14:31:41 UTC
I forgot one thing: For the mini player plasmoid when crashing I get in gdb an output "segmentation fault", pointing to /lib64/libdbus-1.so.3 (KDE 4.2.2 on 64-bit system) resp. /lib/libc.so.6 (KDE 4.3b on 32-bit system), but then X freezes completely.
Comment 5 Dario Andres 2009-05-17 16:34:13 UTC
The three backtraces are mostly the same:

#6  0xb501aef6 in MediaSource (this=0xbfe1f4d8, rhs=@0x80c64) at /usr/include/QtCore/qshareddata.h:155
#7  0xa8662e76 in ?? () from /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_mediaplayer.so
#8  0xa866303c in ?? () from /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_mediaplayer.so
#9  0xa8663eeb in ?? () from /usr/lib/kde4/plasma_applet_mediaplayer.so
#10 0xb63cbdc8 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#11 0xb63cd552 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#12 0xb501cd47 in Phonon::MediaObject::aboutToFinish (this=0x8b47190) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/build/phonon/moc_mediaobject.cpp:234
#13 0xb501d950 in Phonon::MediaObjectPrivate::_k_aboutToFinish (this=0x8b46fc8) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/phonon/mediaobject.cpp:428
Comment 6 Dario Andres 2009-05-17 16:36:27 UTC
Could you please install the debug symbols package for the "kdeplasma-addons"/"playground-plasma" packages? Thanks
Comment 7 Cyril Brosch 2009-05-17 17:08:19 UTC
Created attachment 33766 [details]
backtrace of crash (with xine) with plasma-addon debug symbols

I see there are still some symbols lacking, but I don't know which
Comment 8 Dario Andres 2009-05-17 17:11:13 UTC
@Cyril: the backtrace is good enough. Thanks!

Pasted backtrace from comment 7:

Application: Plasma-Arbeitsfläche (plasma-desktop), signal: Segmentation fault
[Current thread is 1 (Thread 0xb4261720 (LWP 3355))]

Thread 10 (Thread 0xa81ecb90 (LWP 3356)):
#0  0xffffe430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb63d3c35 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xb6433722 in QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, unsigned long) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#3  0xb7955ae2 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4
#4  0xb643270e in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#5  0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#6  0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 9 (Thread 0xa6928b90 (LWP 3357)):
#0  0xffffe430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb63d3f62 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xa7811721 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1
#3  0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#4  0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 8 (Thread 0xa5cfcb90 (LWP 3358)):
#0  0xffffe430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb63d3f62 in pthread_cond_timedwait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xa78201ae in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1
#3  0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#4  0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 7 (Thread 0xa547db90 (LWP 3364)):
#0  0xb63d2cc6 in __pthread_mutex_unlock_usercnt () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#1  0xb4ed94a6 in g_main_context_query () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#2  0xb4edddac in ?? () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#3  0xb4ede241 in g_main_context_iteration () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#4  0xb6552577 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#5  0xb65250fa in QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#6  0xb652553a in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#7  0xb642f3b9 in QThread::exec() () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#8  0xa7868899 in Phonon::Xine::XineThread::run (this=0x819bda0) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/xine/xinethread.cpp:143
#9  0xb643270e in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#10 0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#11 0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 6 (Thread 0xa4c47b90 (LWP 3367)):
#0  0xffffe430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb62096a7 in poll () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2  0xa6115004 in ?? () from /usr/lib/xine/plugins/1.26/xineplug_ao_out_alsa.so
#3  0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#4  0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 5 (Thread 0xa4404b90 (LWP 3368)):
#0  0xffffe430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb63d3c35 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xa7823f43 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1
#3  0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#4  0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 4 (Thread 0xa1566b90 (LWP 3559)):
#0  0xffffe430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb63d3c35 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xa781547c in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1
#3  0xa781b8a1 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1
#4  0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#5  0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 3 (Thread 0xa0b98b90 (LWP 3560)):
#0  0xffffe430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb63d3c35 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xa781547c in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1
#3  0xa781ca9d in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1
#4  0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#5  0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 2 (Thread 0xa0397b90 (LWP 3561)):
#0  0xffffe430 in __kernel_vsyscall ()
#1  0xb63d3c35 in pthread_cond_wait@@GLIBC_2.3.2 () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#2  0xa7827138 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libxine.so.1
#3  0xb63d01b5 in start_thread () from /lib/libpthread.so.0
#4  0xb62133be in clone () from /lib/libc.so.6

Thread 1 (Thread 0xb4261720 (LWP 3355)):
[KCrash Handler]
#6  0xb518bef6 in MediaSource (this=0xbfe8dd48, rhs=@0xd81ea) at /usr/include/QtCore/qshareddata.h:155
#7  0xa87c4e76 in TrackListDBusHandler::nextTrack (this=0x81eebb8) at /usr/src/debug/kdeplasma-addons-4.2.85/applets/mediaplayer/dbus/tracklistdbushandler.cpp:130
#8  0xa87c503c in TrackListDBusHandler::aboutToFinish (this=0x81eebb8) at /usr/src/debug/kdeplasma-addons-4.2.85/applets/mediaplayer/dbus/tracklistdbushandler.cpp:143
#9  0xa87c5eeb in TrackListDBusHandler::qt_metacall (this=0x81eebb8, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=8, _a=0xbfe8de08)
    at /usr/src/debug/kdeplasma-addons-4.2.85/build/applets/mediaplayer/tracklistdbushandler.moc:93
#10 0xb653cdc8 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#11 0xb653e552 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#12 0xb518dd47 in Phonon::MediaObject::aboutToFinish (this=0x817aee8) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/build/phonon/moc_mediaobject.cpp:234
#13 0xb518e950 in Phonon::MediaObjectPrivate::_k_aboutToFinish (this=0x81fc120) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/phonon/mediaobject.cpp:428
#14 0xb518fc4f in Phonon::MediaObject::qt_metacall (this=0x817aee8, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=21, _a=0xbfe8df18) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/build/phonon/moc_mediaobject.cpp:137
#15 0xb653cdc8 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#16 0xb653e552 in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#17 0xa7879077 in Phonon::Xine::MediaObject::aboutToFinish (this=0x817ffc8) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/build/xine/mediaobject.moc:182
#18 0xa787a400 in Phonon::Xine::MediaObject::needNextUrl (this=0x817ffc8) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/xine/mediaobject.cpp:627
#19 0xa787b39e in Phonon::Xine::MediaObject::qt_metacall (this=0x817ffc8, _c=QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod, _id=22, _a=0x9947180) at /usr/src/debug/phonon-4.3.1/build/xine/mediaobject.moc:159
#20 0xb6535a1b in QMetaCallEvent::placeMetaCall(QObject*) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#21 0xb65374b0 in QObject::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#22 0xb67b069c in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4
#23 0xb67b899e in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4
#24 0xb768db8d in KApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/libkdeui.so.5
#25 0xb6526adb in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#26 0xb6527725 in QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int, QThreadData*) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#27 0xb652791d in QCoreApplication::sendPostedEvents(QObject*, int) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#28 0xb655290f in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#29 0xb4eda9c8 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#30 0xb4ede083 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#31 0xb4ede241 in g_main_context_iteration () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
#32 0xb6552558 in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#33 0xb6850975 in ?? () from /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4
#34 0xb65250fa in QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#35 0xb652553a in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#36 0xb65279e9 in QCoreApplication::exec() () from /usr/lib/libQtCore.so.4
#37 0xb67b0517 in QApplication::exec() () from /usr/lib/libQtGui.so.4
#38 0xb8010170 in kdemain (argc=1, argv=0xbfe8e844) at /usr/src/debug/kdebase-workspace-4.2.85/plasma/shells/desktop/main.cpp:50
#39 0x08048792 in main (argc=1, argv=0x0) at /usr/src/debug/kdebase-workspace-4.2.85/build/plasma/shells/desktop/plasma-desktop_dummy.cpp:3
Comment 9 Marco Martin 2009-05-17 21:21:50 UTC
SVN commit 969249 by mart:

check for empty tracklist
BUG: 193004

 M  +7 -1      tracklistdbushandler.cpp  

WebSVN link: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=969249