Bug 192996 - amarok2 breakes keyboard in KDE 4.2.85
Summary: amarok2 breakes keyboard in KDE 4.2.85
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 193150
Alias: None
Product: kdelibs
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: shortcuts (show other bugs)
Version: SVN
Platform: openSUSE Unspecified
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Michael Jansen
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-05-17 13:42 UTC by Paweł Prażak
Modified: 2009-05-20 08:16 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Paweł Prażak 2009-05-17 13:42:11 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.2.85)
Installed from:    SuSE RPMs

amarok-2.0.96-2.4 (from playground) breaks keyboard when running with KDE 4.2.85 (it worked with 4.2).

keys not working: o, p, l, m, 1, 2, 3, 4 (and maybe others)
letters work with shift and with capslook

my system:
Linux x86_64
openSUSE 11.1 (x86_64)
KDE 4.2.85
Shockwave Flash 10.0 r22 x86-64

to reproduce:
1. run amarok
2. try to type (o, p, l, m, 1, 2, 3, 4 ...)

I've tried to remove configs and reinstall.
Comment 1 Mark Kretschmann 2009-05-17 13:54:23 UTC
Erm, this cannot possibly be Amarok's fault. We don't break keyboards (except sometimes when we're really angry).

Probably a KDE issue in one way or another.
Comment 2 Seb Ruiz 2009-05-17 13:55:53 UTC
There have very recently been changes to KDElibs' keyboard shortcut handling, so perhaps there was a regression. We haven't changed anything on our end, so I'm reassigning.
Comment 3 Dario Andres 2009-05-17 16:44:51 UTC
You can't press this keys in every other application running at the same time as Amarok ? (both KDE4 and non-kde ones). 
Have you tried with a new user account (just for testing) ?
Comment 4 Paweł Prażak 2009-05-18 15:53:23 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> You can't press this keys in every other application running at the same time
> as Amarok ? (both KDE4 and non-kde ones). 

It affects all applications, including e.g. firefox, plasma, krunner, etc.
But under "plain" console (alt+f1) keyboard works.

> Have you tried with a new user account (just for testing) ?
Not, yet. I'll do it and report back.

I've tried (when I didn't know it's amarok) to kill kde services and options like klipper, kwalletmanager, kded4, krunner, plasma, kwin, but it didn't change anything.
Comment 5 Paweł Prażak 2009-05-18 17:12:48 UTC
With new user is the same unfortunately.
I've also updated amarok-2.0.96-5.1
Comment 6 Michael Jansen 2009-05-19 23:23:37 UTC
Please have a look at 'xmodmap -pm' and read http://michael-jansen.biz

See if you have the same problem. Amarok doesn't compile for me anymore but i think those are used with meta. And if you have no meta key on your system.
Comment 7 Paweł Prażak 2009-05-19 23:42:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Please have a look at 'xmodmap -pm' and read http://michael-jansen.biz
> See if you have the same problem. Amarok doesn't compile for me anymore but i
> think those are used with meta. And if you have no meta key on your system.

My mod4 is set, so it seams it's not the same bug:

xmodmap:  up to 4 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

shift       Shift_L (0x32),  Shift_R (0x3e)
lock        Caps_Lock (0x9)
control     Control_L (0x25),  Control_R (0x6d)
mod1        Alt_L (0x40),  Meta_L (0x9c)
mod2        Num_Lock (0x4d)
mod4        Hyper_L (0x73),  Hyper_R (0x74),  Super_L (0x7f),  Hyper_L (0x80)
mod5        Mode_switch (0x8),  ISO_Level3_Shift (0x71),  ISO_Level3_Shift (0x7c)
Comment 8 Michael Jansen 2009-05-20 00:20:18 UTC
Not so fast. It's the same bug. It's just differently triggered. Those keys you are missing are amaroks global shortcuts minus the meta-key. Fix your normal account by going to "kcmshell4 keys" -> "amarok" and setting those shortcuts to "None". There is another one at "khotkeys" most likely grabbing 'e'.

With the other account i would like to do some tests.

1. Open "kcmshell4 keys" and assign two shortcuts only consisting of "meta" and one single character. Say "meta+x" and "meta+y". One to amarok. The other to say plasmas "show dashboard" shortcut. Confirm both work, logout and login. Do they work now or where the "metas" stripped?

2. close amarok. Open "kcmshell4 keys" -> "amarok". From the "file" button menu choose "remove component". Confirm the dialog. "amarok" should have been removed now.

3. Start amarok. Is the problem there again?
Comment 9 Michael Jansen 2009-05-20 00:45:55 UTC
Stop searching. I found the problem and you can't fix it on your side. Wait for the next snapshot. I solved the problem already with http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kdeui/util/kkeyserver_x11.cpp?r1=969204&r2=969205 but didn't understand the implication.
Comment 10 Michael Jansen 2009-05-20 01:02:12 UTC
Pawel The workaround i put into 193150 should solve your problem too.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 193150 ***
Comment 11 Paweł Prażak 2009-05-20 08:16:27 UTC
I've followed the workaround from #193150, comment #6 and it solved the problem :)
Thanks for your work!