Bug 192619 - Connection to XX is broken when saving file > 4K
Summary: Connection to XX is broken when saving file > 4K
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 189235
Alias: None
Product: kio
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: fish (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Jörg Walter
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-05-14 01:22 UTC by EmmanuelS
Modified: 2009-05-21 14:23 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Latest Commit:
Version Fixed In:
Sentry Crash Report:


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description EmmanuelS 2009-05-14 01:22:12 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.2.85)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Unlisted Binary Package


Using fresh Neon build of KDE 4.3 Beta, I can't save file through the Kio FISH connector (sftp).

The problem occurs when the file I am trying to save is bigger than 4080bytes (4.0K). Size below works, file above, no way. 
I don't have any problem reading file of any size or doing any other regular action.

The reported message is "Connection to XXX is broken"; It appears once the status bar of the save dialog has reached 100%.

Here is a the console log of the Kio plugin :

kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateView::slotGotFocus: KateView::slotGotFocus
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::canEncode: ENC NAME:  "windows-1252"
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateModeManager::fileType:                      
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HIGHLIGHTED END --- NEED HL, LINESTART:  112  LINEEND:  112
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HL UNTIL LINE:  112  MAX:  113                             
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HL DYN COUNT:  0  MAX:  512                                
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateView::updateView: KateView::updateView                                          
kate(8504)/Kate (Code Completion) KateCompletionWidget::abortCompletion:                                       
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HIGHLIGHTED END --- NEED HL, LINESTART:  112  LINEEND:  112
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HL UNTIL LINE:  112  MAX:  113                             
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HL DYN COUNT:  0  MAX:  512                                
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateView::updateView: KateView::updateView                                          
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HIGHLIGHTED END --- NEED HL, LINESTART:  112  LINEEND:  112
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HL UNTIL LINE:  112  MAX:  113                             
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateBuffer::doHighlight: HL DYN COUNT:  0  MAX:  512                                
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::put: 1360 :  @@@@@@@@@ put  KUrl("fish://my_user@host.com/var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto")   -1   4                                                                                                             
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::openConnection: 300 :  _______ emitting infoMessage( "Connecting..." )                            
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::openConnection: 302 :  connecting to:  "my_user" @ "host.com" : 0                         
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::sendCommand: 793 :  queuing: cmd= 0 [' FISH ']( 0 ), alt=[' echo; /bin/sh -c start_fish_server > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; perl .fishsrv.pl fb18e850532f42b49f1034b4e17a4cdc 2>/dev/null; perl -e '$|=1; print "### 100 transfer fish server\n"; while(<STDIN>) { last if /^__END__/; $code.=$_; } exit(eval($code));' 2>/dev/null; '], lines= 1                               
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::sendCommand: 793 :  queuing: cmd= 1 [' VER 0.0.3 copy append lscount lslinks lsmime exec stat ']( 0 ), alt=[' echo 'VER 0.0.3 copy append lscount lslinks lsmime exec stat' '], lines= 1                                               
kate(8504)/kio (KIOJob) KIO::SlaveInterface::requestNetwork: requestNetwork  "" "fish10296"                                          
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::connectionStart: 398 :  Exec:  /usr/bin/ssh  Port:  0  User:  "my_user"                           
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::establishConnection: 595 :  establishing: got  "my_user@host.com's password:"             
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::establishConnection: 636 :  sending mpass                                                         
fish(10296)/kio (kioslave) KIO::KPasswdServer::queryAuthInfo: window-id= 0                                                           
fish(10296)/kio (kioslave) KIO::KPasswdServer::queryAuthInfo: username= "my_user" password=[hidden]                                  
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::establishConnection: 666 :  sending pass                                                          
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::establishConnection: 595 :  establishing: got  "                                                  
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::establishConnection: 595 :  establishing: got  "FISH:                                             
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::establishConnection: 605 :  _______ emitting infoMessage( "Initiating protocol..." )              
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateView::slotLostFocus: KateView::slotLostFocus                                                          
kate(8504)/Kate (Code Completion) KateCompletionWidget::abortCompletion:                                                             
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::openConnection: 310 :  subprocess is running                                                      
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::sendCommand: 793 :  queuing: cmd= 3 [' LIST ']( 1 ), alt=[' echo `ls -Lla %1 2> /dev/null | grep '^[-dsplcb]' | wc -l`; ls -Lla %1 2>/dev/null | grep '^[-dspl]' | ( while read -r p x u g s m d y n; do file -b -i $n 2>/dev/null | sed -e '\,^[^/]*$,d;s/^/M/;s,/.*[         ],/,'; FILE=%1; if [ -e %1"/$n" ]; then FILE=%1"/$n"; fi; if [ -L "$FILE" ]; then echo ":$n"; ls -lad "$FILE" | sed -e 's/.* -> /L/'; else echo ":$n" | sed -e 's/ -> /\                                                          
L/'; fi; echo "P$p $u.$g                                                                                                             
d$m $d $y                                                                                                                            
"; done; );ls -Lla %1 2>/dev/null | grep '^[cb]' | ( while read -r p x u g a i m d y n; do echo "P$p $u.$g                           
d$m $d $y                                                                                                                            
"; done; ) '], lines= 0                                                                                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::sendCommand: 793 :  queuing: cmd= 6 [' STOR ']( 2 ), alt=[' > %2; echo '### 001'; ( [ "`expr %1 / 4096`" -gt 0 ] && dd bs=4096 count=`expr %1 / 4096` 2>/dev/null;[ "`expr %1 % 4096`" -gt 0 ] && dd bs=`expr %1 % 4096` count=1 2>/dev/null; ) | ( cat > %2 || echo Error $?; cat > /dev/null ) '], lines= 0                                                               
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1229 :  Writing:  " #FISH                                                             
 echo; /bin/sh -c start_fish_server > /dev/null 2>/dev/null; perl .fishsrv.pl fb18e850532f42b49f1034b4e17a4cdc 2>/dev/null; perl -e '$|=1; print "### 100 transfer fish server\n"; while(<STDIN>) { last if /^__END__/; $code.=$_; } exit(eval($code));' 2>/dev/null; 2>&1;echo '### 000'                                                                                                                      
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1230 :  ---------                                                                     
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  ""                                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "### 200"                                                       
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 830 :  result:  200 , errorCount:  0                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 1190 :  _______ emitting connected()                                            
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1229 :  Writing:  "#VER 0.0.3 copy append lscount lslinks lsmime exec stat            
 echo 'VER 0.0.3 copy append lscount lslinks lsmime exec stat' 2>&1;echo '### 000'                                                   
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1230 :  ---------                                                                     
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "VER 0.0.3 copy lscount lslinks lsmime exec stat"               
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "### 200"                                                       
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 830 :  result:  200 , errorCount:  0                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1229 :  Writing:  "#LIST /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto               
 echo `ls -Lla /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto 2> /dev/null | grep '^[-dsplcb]' | wc -l`; ls -Lla /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto 2>/dev/null | grep '^[-dspl]' | ( while read -r p x u g s m d y n; do file -b -i $n 2>/dev/null | sed -e '\,^[^/]*$,d;s/^/M/;s,/.*[       ],/,'; FILE=/var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto; if [ -e /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto"/$n" ]; then FILE=/var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto"/$n"; fi; if [ -L "$FILE" ]; then echo ":$n"; ls -lad "$FILE" | sed -e 's/.* -> /L/'; else echo ":$n" | sed -e 's/ -> /\                                                                   
L/'; fi; echo "P$p $u.$g                                                                                                             
d$m $d $y                                                                                                                            
"; done; );ls -Lla /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto 2>/dev/null | grep '^[cb]' | ( while read -r p x u g a i m d y n; do echo "P$p $u.$g                                                                                                                    
d$m $d $y                                                                                                                            
"; done; ) 2>&1;echo '### 000'                                                                                                       
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1230 :  ---------                                                                     
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "1"                                                             
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 895 :  listReason:  0                                                           
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "### 100"                                                       
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 830 :  result:  100 , errorCount:  0                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "P-rw-r--r-- my_user.psaserv"                                   
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 895 :  listReason:  0                                                           
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "S4082"                                                         
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 895 :  listReason:  0                                                           
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "D2009 05 13 23 19 06"                                          
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 895 :  listReason:  0                                                           
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  ":file_name.txto"                                   
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 895 :  listReason:  0                                                           
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "Mtext/plain"                                                   
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 895 :  listReason:  0                                                           
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  ""                                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 895 :  listReason:  0                                                           
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "### 200"                                                       
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 830 :  result:  200 , errorCount:  0                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1229 :  Writing:  "#STOR 0 /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto             
 > /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto; echo '### 001'; ( [ "`expr 0 / 4096`" -gt 0 ] && dd bs=4096 count=`expr 0 / 4096` 2>/dev/null;[ "`expr 0 % 4096`" -gt 0 ] && dd bs=`expr 0 % 4096` count=1 2>/dev/null; ) | ( cat > /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto || echo Error $?; cat > /dev/null ) 2>&1;echo '### 000'                                                                  
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1230 :  ---------                                                                     
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "### 100"                                                       
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 830 :  result:  100 , errorCount:  0                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "### 200"                                                       
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 830 :  result:  200 , errorCount:  0                                              
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::manageConnection: 1210 :  _______ emitting dataReq()                                              
fish(10296)/kio (kioslave) KIO::SlaveBase::canResume: offset= "0"                                                                    
kate(8504)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::createSlave: createSlave "file" for KUrl("file:///home/my_user/.kde-neon/tmp/kde-my_user/kateCQ8504.tmp")                                                                                                                              
kate(8504)/kio (KIOConnection) KIO::ConnectionServer::listenForRemote: Listening on  "local:/home/my_user/.kde-neon/tmp/ksocket-my_user/kateBa8504.slave-socket"                                                                                                          
kate(8504) KIO::Slave::createSlave: kioslave ,  "/opt/kde-nightly/lib/kde4/kio_file.so" ,  "file" ,  "" ,  "local:/home/my_user/.kde-neon/tmp/ksocket-my_user/kateBa8504.slave-socket"                                                                                    
kio_file(10306) kdemain: Starting  10306
kio_file(10306)/kdecore (KSycoca) KSycocaPrivate::openDatabase: Trying to open ksycoca from  "/home/my_user/.kde-neon/var/tmp/kdecache-my_user/ksycoca4"
kio_file(10306)/kdecore (KMimeType) KMimeTypeFactory::parseMagic: Now parsing  "/usr/share/mime/magic"
kio_file(10306)/kdecore (KMimeType) KMimeTypeFactory::parseMagic: Now parsing  "/opt/kde-nightly/share/mime/magic"
kio_file(10306)/kdecore (KMimeType) KMimeTypeFactory::parseMagic: Now parsing  "/home/my_user/.local/share/mime/magic"
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::sendCommand: 793 :  queuing: cmd= 18 [' WRITE ']( 3 ), alt=[' >> %3; echo '### 001'; ( [ %2 -gt 0 ] && dd ibs=1 obs=%2 count=%2 2>/dev/null ) | ( dd ibs=32768 obs=%1 seek=1 of=%3 2>/dev/null || echo Error $?; cat >/dev/null; ) '], lines= 0
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1229 :  Writing:  "#WRITE 0 4082 /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto
 >> /var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto; echo '### 001'; ( [ 4082 -gt 0 ] && dd ibs=1 obs=4082 count=4082 2>/dev/null ) | ( dd ibs=32768 obs=0 seek=1 of=/var/www/vhosts/tmp/file_name.txto 2>/dev/null || echo Error $?; cat >/dev/null; ) 2>&1;echo '### 000'
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::writeStdin: 1230 :  ---------
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 823 :  handling:  "### 100"
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::handleResponse: 830 :  result:  100 , errorCount:  0
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::sent: 1238 :  writing raw:  4082 / 4082
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::run: 1475 :  write failed, rc:  -1 , error:  Resource temporarily unavailable
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::error: 1411 :  ERROR:  124  -  "host.com"
kate(8504)/kio (KIOJob) KIO::SlaveInterface::dispatch: error  124   "host.com"
kate(8504)/kio (Slave) KIO::Slave::kill: killing slave pid 0 ( "file://" )
fish(10296)/kio_fish fishProtocol::shutdownConnection: 771 :  _______ emitting infoMessage( "Disconnected." )
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateView::slotGotFocus: KateView::slotGotFocus
kate(8504)/kio (KIOJob) KIO::SlaveInterface::dropNetwork: dropNetwork  "" "fish10296"
kate(8504)/Kate (Document) KateView::slotLostFocus: KateView::slotLostFocus
kate(8504)/Kate (Code Completion) KateCompletionWidget::abortCompletion:
kate(8504)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::slotReceivedId: 0
kate(8504)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::close: 0
kate(8504)/kdeui (KNotification) KNotification::~KNotification: -2

I noticed since bug since more than a week.
Comment 1 Pino Toscano 2009-05-21 14:23:07 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 189235 ***