Version: 2.12 (using Devel) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources As the subject says: the columns in Ark like "Name", "Size", "Compressed", "Mode" etc... can not be resized.
Currently, Ark automatically resizes its columns to best fit everything. If the columns are set to be resizeable, would you like Ark to automatically resize its columns once a file is added or removed from the archive (this is the current behaviour) or should the user and only the user be responsible for resizing the columns after the archive is loaded?
I think it would be most useful if Ark would auto-size the columns initially or whenever a file is added or removed, and on top of that the user could further resize the columns for its own needs.
My only doubt is regarding the expected behaviour when a file is added or removed from the archive: wouldn't it be annoying if you had resized all columns to your taste and whenever you added or removed files from the archive you had to do it again?
Yes, you're right. Is it possible to make this so that when first opening/creating an archive Ark would auto-resize the columns to best fit the filenames, and after that the user could resize the columns and Ark won't touch those settings within the current archive anymore? I think this is fair compromise between the two ends.
There is also the old behaviour of ksysguard - only the name column can't be resized manually and is automatically resized when an item (in our case, a folder) is expanded or collapsed. All the other columns are resizeable by the user. It seems like a good compromise to me - the only possible drawback is that a filename that's too large may take up too much space. What do you all think?
That's a fine idea too IMO.
SVN commit 968552 by rkcosta: Make the columns in the viewer resizeable, except for the file name one, which automatically resizes to fit all names. Ark automatically resizes the columns to best fit when the archive is first loaded. BUG: 192237 M +0 -2 archiveview.cpp M +12 -12 part.cpp M +1 -1 part.h WebSVN link:
Please check this commit; it does exactly what I said in comment 5. Personally the previous behaviour felt better (now the space for the file sizes isn't enough sometimes when a folder is expanded), but I agree that the user should have the freedom to resize as many columns as possible.
Ît would be preferable to have all fields resizable like is expected from a regular archieve manager. Why put the name field not resizeble? Really dont get why you have chosen to have that behaviour?
If I can still remember it correctly, this is the reasoning that led to this decision: usually, people don't make the Name column smaller than the file names, and making it larger also doesn't help much either. And if make the column always resizable, when you expand a folder, for example, instead of resizing the Name column to make the new file names completely visible, the column remains with its previous width.
I get your reason but that should be only a per user set. Still that should be the default behaviour, to have all columns resizable, like happens with restant kde apps, why not follow the same procedure?
(In reply to comment #11) > I get your reason but that should be only a per user set. Hmm, I think that adding an option just for that is too much. I'd rather decide on a behaviour and stick to it. > Still that should be the default behaviour, to have all columns resizable, like > happens with restant kde apps, why not follow the same procedure? In this case, simply because now following the same procedure sounded more reasonable. Why do you usually need to resize the Name column?
Having the name tab resizable its simply a default behaviour, so why change it, the user should be able to resize. LEts imagine theres big filenames that put the other tabs hide, in that case the user cant do anything. Also it owuld be great if ark could also have other tabs like: type permissions owner group attributes Why not put Ark at the same level like winzip, winrar and other great archieve managers? :)