Version: 0.10.0 (using KDE 4.2.0) OS: Linux Installed from: Ubuntu Packages I have a dual-boot system (ubuntu/XP) and would need to access the same digikam picture database from both systems. It seem to me that the only thing stopping this, is that the root directory in the database is written in the system-specific format. So if I create the db in windows this will look like volumeid:?path=D%3A%2FPictures and if I create it in Linux, it will look like volumeid:?uuid=F038546838543038 If I change this field I can use the database on the other system, and gain at least basic functionality of the database (have not done extensive testing, so there might of course be problems, at least with locales). The easiest way to handle this would probably be to allow forcing a root directory in a command line option. This would probably add usability also for other purposes, like opening copies of the root album directly from removable devices. Maybe such an option already exist, but I found nothing about command line options in the documentation.
The real solution for this is to implement KDE Solid on Windows, which seems not to be the case. The UUID is the same for both OSs, and a good part of the idea to use UUID for identification is to make is cross platform. But that fails miserably, as you see, if the KDE libs are not implemented on a platform.
Obviously, but would my suggestion not be useful, when migrating your collections to a bigger disk, a new computer et.c.?
Yes there is some need. There is also an open bug about the case when a partition is reformatted, which changes the UUID. But the problem with the command line is that there are multiple album roots, you need to identify them ;-) I will think about this when fixing the other problem mentioned.
OK, I see the problem. Thanx for the consideration.
Did this ever get addressed? I'm in the same situation: dual boot Windows+Linux machine, wishing to use Digikam on both (they share an ntfs partition), but without needing to keep two duplicate/redundant databases+thumbnails for what is ultimately the same image collection. Typical solution is to have data (in this case albums) be specified relative to a customizeable base path, or relative to the db location. Is there any solution for this, or must one have 2 duplicate copies of all of Digikam's data?