Version: 1.2.1 (using KDE 4.2.2) Compiler: gcc 4.1.2 OS: Linux Installed from: Gentoo Packages In KDE 3.5 hidden files and folders had an icon effect applied (transparency), which made it easier to separate them from non hidden files / folders. Would it be possible to have this effect again for dolphin / konqueror in KDE 4.*? Other filemanagers, as an example Windows Explorer, do this as well.
In KDE 3 it wasn't transparency but rather a very high gamma effect was added to the icons. It was very effective and I miss it in KDE 4.
Solved in new dolphin, KDE 4.8. Thanks a lot :)
Ah, one bug less. It took me only 2 1/2 years to get this fixed ;-) Thanks for your patience!