Bug 187886 - webcam don't working under KDE
Summary: webcam don't working under KDE
Alias: None
Product: kopete
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: Audio/Video Plugin (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Platform: Compiled Sources Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kopete Developers
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-03-22 22:24 UTC by Michał Kudła
Modified: 2009-05-19 17:23 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

30-syntek_174f_6a51.fdi (726 bytes, application/xml)
2009-05-19 17:22 UTC, Michał Kudła

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Michał Kudła 2009-03-22 22:24:52 UTC
Version:            (using KDE 4.2.1)
OS:                Linux
Installed from:    Compiled From Sources

I have webcam under stk11xx drivers
mplayer and skype can find this webkam, but webkam and kopete don't find

m1k0@laptok ~ $ mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:device=/dev/video0                                                      
 MPlayer SVN-r28734-4.3.3 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team                                                                    
 Odtwarzam tv://. 
 Wykryto format pliku TV. 
 Selected driver: v4l2    
  name: Video 4 Linux 2 input 
  author: Martin Olschewski <olschewski@zpr.uni-koeln.de> 
  comment: first try, more to come ;-)                    
 Selected device: Syntek USB Video Camera                
  Capabilites:  video capture  read/write  streaming 
  supported norms: 0 = webcam; 
  inputs: 0 = USB;v4l2: ioctl get input failed: Invalid argument 
  Current input: 1 
  Current format: BGR24 
 v4l2: ioctl set format failed: Invalid argument 
 v4l2: ioctl set format failed: Invalid argument 
 tv.c: norm_from_string(pal): Bogus norm parameter, setting default. 
 Selected input hasn't got a tuner! 
 v4l2: Cannot get fps 
 v4l2: ioctl set mute failed: Invalid argument 
 v4l2: ioctl query control failed: Invalid argument 
 Otwieram dekoder video: [raw] RAW Uncompressed Video 
 VDec: wymagana konfiguracja vo - 640 x 480 (preferowana przestrzeń kolorów: Packed UYVY) 
 VDec: using Packed UYVY as output csp (no 0) 
 Format filmu nie zdefiniowany - nie stosuję zmiany formatu. 
 VO: [xv] 640x480 => 640x480 Packed UYVY 
 Wybrany kodek video: [rawuyvy] vfm: raw (RAW UYVY) 
 Audio: brak dźwięku 
 V:   0.0  26/ 26 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0 
 MPlayer przerwany sygnałem 2 w module: video_read_frame 
 V:   0.0  27/ 27 ??% ??% ??,?% 0 0 
 MPlayer przerwany sygnałem 2 w module: free_demuxer 
 m1k0@laptok ~ $ webkam 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::open: open(): No devices found. Must scan for available devices. 1701536116 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::scanDevices: called 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::scanDevices: exited successfuly 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::open: open(): No devices found. bailing out. 1701536116 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::setSize: VideoDevicePool::setSize() fallback for no device. 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::setSize: VideoDevicePool::setSize() buffer size:  230400 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::fillDeviceKComboBox: Called. 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::fillDeviceKComboBox: Combobox cleaned. 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::fillInputKComboBox: Called. 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::fillStandardKComboBox: Called. 
 webkam(4739) Video4Linux::VideoDevicePool::startCapturing: startCapturing() called. 
 m1k0@laptok ~ $ kopete(4741) Kopete::AccountManager::setOnlineStatus: category:  2 
 JingleSessionManager::JingleSessionManager created. 
 kopete(4741) AVDeviceConfig::AVDeviceConfig: kopete:config (avdevice): KopeteAVDeviceConfigFactory::componentData() called. 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoInput::VideoInput: Executing Video Input's constructor!!! 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::open: open(): No devices found. Must scan for available devices. 0 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::scanDevices: called 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::scanDevices: exited successfuly 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::open: open(): No devices found. bailing out. 0 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::setSize: VideoDevicePool::setSize() fallback for no device. 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::setSize: VideoDevicePool::setSize() buffer size:  230400 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::fillDeviceKComboBox: Called. 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::fillDeviceKComboBox: Combobox cleaned. 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::fillInputKComboBox: Called. 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::fillStandardKComboBox: Called. 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::startCapturing: startCapturing() called. 
 kopete(4741) Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::close: VideoDevicePool::close() Current device out of range.
Comment 1 A. Spehr 2009-05-16 00:29:51 UTC
Possibly related to bug #167332. Does the workaround there work for you?
Comment 2 Michał Kudła 2009-05-19 17:22:46 UTC
Created attachment 33836 [details]

works for my camera, thanks