Version: (using KDE 4.2.1) Installed from: Unlisted Binary Package Hi! I noticed that currently it's not possible to set a video driver in phonon applications. In the phonon-xine-backend/ VideoWidgetXT::createVideoPort you just give "auto" as an parameter to xine_open_video_driver. could you please rather parse Phonon-Xine.xine.conf for the "video.driver:" key (like xine-ui for instances)? otherwise it's not possible for me to watch video in windowed mode in a phonon based mediaplayer with desktop effects switched on. "auto" selects the faster xv driver which causes terrible video flickering. I assume sometimes there will be a real configuration for the backend anyway and it would be really nice to set your preferred driver.
The xine backend is running out of maintenance and wishlist items will no longer be implemented. Therefore I am closing this bug report. Thanks anyway.