Version: KMail trunk r939506 (using Devel) OS: Linux Installed from: Compiled sources (I hope this hasn't been reported before. It's hard to get around as there seem to be plenty of duplicates currently) I'm using the classic view in the new message list on KMail trunk r939506. The column order has certain weirdnesses: - If I add a new column in the Theme Customizer it gets added at the position I choose. - If I reopen the Theme Customizer and drag a column to a different position it get shown correctly in the customizer but the change vanishes upon closing it (the actual message list doesn't show the new order and if I open the customizer the order has reset to what it was before). - If I change the column order by dragging the headers in the message list, the order changes at first. Those changes however aren't reflected in the theme customizer. If I close and restart kmail the changes are gone. I suppose those changes are all pretty much related so I'm filing them as one single bug.
I'm seeing the same bug on 1.11.2 (kde 4.2.2, debian unstable packages). Setting the order of the columns - in particular making Sender appear to the left of Subject - by either dragging them in the main view, or by using the 'Select View Appearance (theme)' option as you've outlined above - retains the settings for the remainder of the session, but quitting and restarting kmail reverts to the default of Subject to the left of Sender. I'm only using the Theme setting to get around one of the other known bugs with kmail - which is that custom font settings are ignored (you have to set them within the theme). Since we're both using themes, it's possible that this is contributing to the problem .. ?
It seems as is a duplicate.
Except that bug refers originally to a 3.5.x series problem. During my 3.5.x experiences - which sadly ended a week ago when Debian introduced 4.2.2 into their unstable branch - the column order (and size) was retained perfectly between instances of kmail. What I think we have here is a failure specific to the 4.x (4.2?) version of kmail - or whenever the theme-functionality was introduced. Themes appear to mess with the 'normal' configuration items in kmail for, at least, column order and fonts (so far!).
True, but somehow that bug reappeard again. Looks to me like the column order just doesn't get saved. (and yes, its really sad that we've got to deal with kde4.2 in unstable now)
The bugs are separate. Bug 135412 deals with the column order not changing in the first place (dragged but jumps back). This bug deals with the column order being unchangeable in the theme customizer and the changes not being saved on exiting KMail.
Still reproducible in 1.12.0 (KDE 4.3).
Downstream bug
Just tried it in KDE 4.3.5 and it works. I remember there was a duplicate bug which is not there anymore - so this is probably fixed.
I'm running 4.3.5 and when I change columns order by dragging their headers, the change lasts only until I close Kontact. Next time I run it, columns are back in their original positions. I'm running KMail embedded in Kontact, don't know if it makes any difference in this case. So, at least part or the problem described is not solved. Don't know about Theme Customizer, I do not use it.
Ah, okay. It does only happen when you drag around manually. Must be some missing "save" call.
*** Bug 200070 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Is there a chance it will be fixed soon? It is really very annoying having to reorder the columns every time after starting the app.
This bug is still reproducible in Kmail 2, KDE SC 4.8.2
(In reply to comment #13) Version 4:4.9.2-0ubuntu2 (Quantal) - bug persist.
Kmail version 4:4.9.4-0ubuntu0.1, KDE version 4.9.4 - bug still persists.
Using Kontact Version 4.4.11, KMail Version 1.13.7. Issue persists. This has been going on for years now with no apparent serious attention given to it. As has been asked before, is there a temporary fix we can make in some configuration file, or can we get an update on whether this is going to be looked at soon?
4.4.11 is obsolete. We never fix it in 4.4.11 I worked on 4.10 to fixing it but not perfect yet.
It seems this has been fixed in 4.10! Thanks!
Hooray! In 4.10 bug seems fixed and Kmail is faster. Thank you.
I can confirm that the bug is still around with KMail 4.12.4 on Arch.
I have the same bug in Kmail 4.13 (kubuntu 14.04; kde 4.13.0; kernel 3.13.0-24-generic). Column order is not remembered.
This bug has only been reported for versions before 4.14, which have been unsupported for at least two years now. Can anyone tell if this bug still present? If noone confirms this bug for a Framework-based version of kmail2 (version 5.0 or later, as part of KDE Applications 15.12 or later), it gets closed in about three months.
Just as announced in my last comment, I close this bug. If you encounter it again in a recent version (at least 5.0 aka 15.08), please open a new one unless it already exists. Thank you for all your input.