Version: (using KDE 4.2.1) OS: Linux Installed from: Ubuntu Packages I'm using Kopete with the WLM plugin. I have a contact who signs in using RadiusIM ( When that contact is online I frequently have Kopete eating up all my RAM very quickly indeed - it uses about 500MB in a few seconds. I think this happens when the radius contact tries to open a chat with me. I am certain the problem is with my RadiusIM contact because I have never had this problem happen when she is not online.
I'd forgotten about this one. It only happens when I have an avatar (i.e. I have configured a picture under my default identity) and my RadiusIM contact is online. I have removed my avatar and it's been stable since.
With the latest version of Kopete (Under KDE4.3.4 on Kubuntu) this is now working fine, so I'm marking it as fixed.