Bug 185677 - during "search" UIDL timeout (error #1 described below)
Summary: during "search" UIDL timeout (error #1 described below)
Alias: None
Product: kmail
Classification: Unmaintained
Component: pop3 (show other bugs)
Version: 1.9.6
Platform: unspecified Linux
: NOR normal
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: kdepim bugs
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Reported: 2009-02-27 08:56 UTC by reisenweber
Modified: 2015-04-12 10:09 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Sentry Crash Report:

screenshot showing UIDL-requester (132.29 KB, image/jpeg)
2009-02-27 08:56 UTC, reisenweber

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Description reisenweber 2009-02-27 08:56:41 UTC
Created attachment 31665 [details]
screenshot showing UIDL-requester

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #157946 +++

Version:           1.9.10 (openSUSE 11.1)
POP3 account, msgs stay on server, (about 2500 msgs/25Meg on server).
Lots of mails in kmail (search msgtext takes some 10 min)

Reproduce (occurred >1 times. Though it's a timing issue, hard to reproduce - maybe with SIGSTOP KMail, or Netfilters):
During searching of local mails (50% CPU usage on a 2GHz dualcore system) POP3 UIDL obviously times out, opening requester stating the server allegedly "doesn't support UIDL"
o- Error requester "server does not support UIDL (see attachment)
This is bug #1: UIDL timeout mustn't be handled identically to error-response from server

o- i click "abort message download" at bottom right some times (because i know what will follow), then i click "ok" on error-requester **)
o- KONTACT coredumps (see attachment)
This is bug #2: kmail must NOT coredump

o- kmail deletes local list of mails already downloaded:
~/.kde/share/kmail/<user>@<serverdomain>:@pop.<serverdomain>:995 is void. 
size before: ~121k, size after error: ~70byte
This is bug #3: list of downloaded mails MUST NOT be deleted on failure of UIDL.
This bug also appeared when kmail didn't segfault on error#2, it's directly related to UIDL-failure and 100% reproduceable (given you manage to get the UIDL not supported warning)

resulting problems: _all_msgs_ are downloaded a second time, to restore seenUidList. 

seen identically in SuSE10.1 version of Kontact

o- avoid lowmem/high-cpu-load when polling POP3.
o- when error happens: CANCEL DOWNLOAD IMMEDIATELY! Create filter to download all msgs older 1day to a temporary mail dir. Poll. (Disable filter. I keep it for catching errors during unattended polls)
o- *OR* CANCEL DOWNLOAD IMMEDIATELY! restore ~/.kde/share/kmail/<user>@<serverdomain>* from yesterday's backup.
o- then use <CTRL>+* to delete doublettes

Comment 1 Laurent Montel 2015-04-12 10:09:26 UTC
Thank you for taking the time to file a bug report.

KMail2 was released in 2011, and the entire code base went through significant changes. We are currently in the process of porting to Qt5 and KF5. It is unlikely that these bugs are still valid in KMail2.

We welcome you to try out KMail 2 with the KDE 4.14 release and give your feedback.